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 Kaposis sarcoma 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. The patients each had been newly diagnosed as having Kaposi's sarcoma, a skin cancer that afflicts AIDS patients.
    2. Research from the National Cancer Institute suggests that Kaposi's sarcoma, an AIDS-linked tumor, is provoked by a previously unknown growth factor and may not be a true malignancy at all.
    3. When SP-PG was tested in immune-deficient mice that were injected with Kaposi's sarcoma cells, the drug seemed to prevent both the growth of blood vessels and the leakage of fluid from existing blood vessels.
    4. He reported a provocative experiment in which human Kaposi's cells were transplanted onto a mouse.
    5. For Mike, an accountant, three years of chemotherapy kept the skin sores of Kaposi's sarcoma at bay.
    6. Thus it won't be approved initially for other AIDS patients, such as those suffering from Kaposi's sarcoma in whom AZT's benefits have yet to be proven, or for less-ill AIDS patients in whom its side effects would be intolerable.
    7. Others have evidence indicating Kaposi's sarcoma may be caused by another virus, not the AIDS virus, but Gallo's work questions that theory.
    8. They said Crawford's skin lesions weren't the rare AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma; they were cat scratch fever.
    9. Dr. Gallo also proposed trying to harness a protein called oncostatin as possible weapon against Kaposi's sarcoma, and taking aim against an enzyme called ribonucleotide reductase as another target for an anti-viral drug against AIDS.
    10. For example, it costs more to care for patients with one AIDS manifestation, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, than it does to treat patients with Kaposi's sarcoma, an AIDS-related cancer.
    11. The Kaposi's sarcoma cells in turn release "a cascade" of other protein-based growth factors, Dr. Gallo said.
    12. Kaposi's can cause death when it attacks the lungs or other vital organs, although most AIDS patients die of other causes.
    13. His report dealt with a study involving Kaposi's sarcoma developed in mice that were genetically engineered to contain an AIDS virus gene called tat.
    14. The finding suggests the HPV virus may be the cause of Kaposi's sarcoma, presenting doctors with a new direction for trying to treat or prevent the cancer, the researchers said.
    15. Current treatment controls Kaposi's but does not cure it, and the disease itself only rarely kills AIDS patients, said Alvin Friedman-Kien, professor of dermatology and microbiology at the New York University Medical Center.
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