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 Josephine ['dʒəuzifi:n]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 约瑟芬(女子名)

    1. Kevin Richmond, as the photographer, gives a performance beautifully judged both in its intensity and in its control; Josephine Jewkes is no less fine as the girl.
    2. Mildred's mother, Josephine Hahnenberg, was a terror as a quilter, exacting and demanding of the talents of young brides who sought admission.
    3. It was clear that Josephine Ahenkora of the Drake Hotel was a force to be reckoned with.
    4. Here, in "The Josephine Baker Story," everything is shorthanded with film cliches.
    5. A production that was for so long dominated by Josephine Barstow's Emilia Marty now has Kathryn Harries in the central role, and it is she who finally makes the evening a truly memorable one. Certainly the early indications were not auspicious.
    6. Tropical Storm Josephine retained its 40 mph top winds early today, but could weaken and drop back to tropical depression strength during the day, forecasters said.
    7. It operates a fleet of 73 planes worth far more than its stock market price, says Josephine Jimenez, a portfolio manager at Emerging Markets Investors Corp. in Washington.
    8. A Josephine computer is one in which high speed is achieved by using circuits supercooled by liquid helium to achieve superconductivity.
    9. "You're much more than a neck, Josephine.
    10. Shahbazian is survived by his wife, Josephine; a son, Haddon (Bob); three grandchildren; and a great-grandson.
    11. There have been reports that one such worker, Josephine Beecher, was tortured recently by Salvadoran police.
    12. They will do fine without each other." And a mail-order bride herself couldn't have done better than Josephine, according to Nikitas' description.
    13. Not my son!" shouted his mother, Josephine Fama.
    14. Rogers gently guides his young audience from one day to the next, summarizing the main events and hinting at what might lie ahead for Josephine.
    15. It had been commissioned by the Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon. The Duke wanted a copy and built a sculpture court at Woburn to house his prize.
    16. Before that, it was in the collection of the Empress Josephine. The price was slightly below its estimate of between Pounds 4.5m and Pounds 6.5m (possibly because a child in the picture has a distorted face) but was a record for a work by de Hooch.
    17. There is nothing for it but to Emote on the spot, which they all do to their hopeful best. Even Josephine Barstow's Kostelnicka seems to be trapped in a neck-brace throughout, and at her great crises she is reduced to repetitive arm-twitches.
    18. Lausche is survived by a sister, Josephine Lausche Welf, 95, who lives at the Slovene Home, and three sisters-in-law.
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