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 Irving ['ə:viŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 钠锂云母

    [ noun ]
    1. United States writer remembered for his stories (1783-1859)

    2. <noun.person>
    3. United States writer of darkly humorous novels (born in 1942)

    4. <noun.person>

    1. The warrants, one for every four shares of Irving stock, would have a term of seven years and an exercise price of $65 per share of Irving stock.
    2. The warrants, one for every four shares of Irving stock, would have a term of seven years and an exercise price of $65 per share of Irving stock.
    3. Robert Falise, Irving's general counsel, said management views the Banca Commerciale offer as superior because, "We believe a partnership with a global financial institution makes much more sense than an acquisition by a domestic one."
    4. It also claimed the holders of a preferred stock issue it is attempting to have invalidated provided a 318,000-share block favoring Irving.
    5. Bank of New York's hostile takeover bid for Irving Bank Corp. is being interrupted for 10 days on a federal judge's orders.
    6. Banca Commerciale, Italy's second-largest bank, is offering $80 a share for 51 percent of Irving, or about $760 million.
    7. In recent weeks, managements at Gillette Co. and Irving Bank Corp. came perilously close to losing control of their boards in heated proxy contests.
    8. Irving's annual shareholders' meeting is scheduled for May 6.
    9. Irving had maintained that the merger would be anti-competitive because Bank of New York and Irving each are among the top processors of certain types of securities transactions.
    10. Irving had maintained that the merger would be anti-competitive because Bank of New York and Irving each are among the top processors of certain types of securities transactions.
    11. Bank of New York had hoped that a victory in the proxy fight would enable it to remove Irving's anti-takeover measure and merge the two banks.
    12. Irving Bank Corp. has denounced as "totally without merit" hostile suitor Bank of New York's questioning of preliminary results of a heated proxy battle that indicated Irving retained control of its board of directors.
    13. Irving Bank Corp. has denounced as "totally without merit" hostile suitor Bank of New York's questioning of preliminary results of a heated proxy battle that indicated Irving retained control of its board of directors.
    14. That includes selling some of Irving's assets, reducing Irving's Third World debt portfolio and consolidating facilities.
    15. That includes selling some of Irving's assets, reducing Irving's Third World debt portfolio and consolidating facilities.
    16. But the sale, intended to help fend off a $1.08 billion takeover by Bank of New York, could pose risks for Irving, bankers say.
    17. The utility's financial woes were further aggravated last month when an $800 million revolving credit facility, led by Irving Trust Co., was frozen at $350 million.
    18. The company said its offer was contingent upon it receiving two-thirds of Irving's 18.5 million common shares outstanding.
    19. As consolidations of banks spread, Mr. Rice said, Irving's value rises.
    20. The final outcome won't be known until at least May 24, when Irving said it expects to receive the results of the voting.
    21. Ms. Irving, 35, was nominated for a supporting actress Oscar for "Yentl" and recently starred in "Crossing Delancey." It's now Dr. Mike Tyson.
    22. The same might be said for the owner, a white-whiskered roustabout by the name of Irving Greenblatt, who is something of a latterday Hemingway.
    23. The appellate division of the New York State Supreme Court on Tuesday struck down a key provision of Irving's "poison pill" anti-takeover defense.
    24. Irving's board also adopted a "poison pill" provision.
    25. In recent weeks, Irving and its investment bankers have approached about two dozen large individual and institutional, non-bank investors about buying such stock, the sources said.
    26. Bank of New York proposed raising its offer for Irving Bank to about $75 a share in cash, stock and special dividends.
    27. Irving has rejected takeover efforts by Bank of New York, which has offered $60 a share in cash and securities for Irving's 18.1 million common shares.
    28. Irving has rejected takeover efforts by Bank of New York, which has offered $60 a share in cash and securities for Irving's 18.1 million common shares.
    29. Bank of New York Co. said Wednesday that it has extended by nearly a week its $1.08 billion hostile tender offer for rival Irving Bank Corp.
    30. "It's true," says Gary Stagner, director of human resources for Partners National Health Plan, a health maintainance organization in Irving, Texas.
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