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 infuse [ɪn'fjuz]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 注入, 使充满, 泡制, 鼓舞



    Infuse \In*fuse\, n.
    Infusion. [Obs.] --Spenser.

    Infuse \In*fuse"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Infused}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Infusing}.] [L. infusus, p. p. of infundere to pour in or
    into; pref. in- in + fundere to pour: cf. F. infuser. See
    {Found} to cast.]
    1. To pour in, as a liquid; to pour (into or upon); to shed.

    That strong Circean liquor cease to infuse.

    2. To instill, as principles or qualities; to introduce.

    That souls of animals infuse themselves Into the
    trunks of men. --Shak.

    Why should he desire to have qualities infused into
    his son which himself never possessed? --Swift.

    3. To inspire; to inspirit or animate; to fill; -- followed
    by with.

    Infuse his breast with magnanimity. --Shak.

    Infusing him with self and vain conceit. --Shak.

    4. To steep in water or other fluid without boiling, for the
    propose of extracting medicinal qualities; to soak.

    One scruple of dried leaves is infused in ten ounces
    of warm water. --Coxe.

    5. To make an infusion with, as an ingredient; to tincture;
    to saturate. [R.] --Bacon.

    1. The settlement required Pinnacle West to infuse MeraBank with $450 million.
    2. Since buying the thrift in 1985, Ford has had to infuse additional capital despite its huge losses in the automotive business over the past 12 months.
    3. It is trying to revive International Medical Centers Inc., an HMO it acquired in June for $40 million and a commitment to infuse it with $20 million.
    4. In addition to $250 million in cash, Best Products was aided by a last-minute commitment from Chemical Banking Corp. and Manufacturers Hanover to infuse an additional $250 million in debtor-in-possession financing.
    5. The sure-handed direction of Euzhan Palcy ("Sugar Cane Alley") and her talent for drawing the best from actors infuse "A Dry White Season" with suspense despite the inevitability of the outcome.
    6. To grow, they must raise equity capital - long term loans hardly exist - and infuse management with new blood.
    7. It is expected to cost the FDIC at least $2.3 billion to assume Bank of New England's problem loans and infuse it with capital.
    8. He also said that NUI, contrary to its claims, never made an unequivocal offer to infuse $25 million "or any other amount" into the water utility.
    9. Mr. Samuel's assessment here reflects the wishful thinking that seems to infuse the rest of his article.
    10. "If Burger King is going to take on a ton more debt, I have to wonder how much capital we'll have to infuse into the system as reinvestment or new growth," said Jerry B. Ruenheck, a former Burger King president who now owns franchises in Florida.
    11. Boil the milk with the vanilla and leave to infuse for a few minutes.
    12. One is to take a government structured around the former ruling family and infuse it with an organized decision-making process that is responsive to the economic and political changes sweeping the newly prosperous island.
    13. The act does infuse a necessary, although hardly adequate, $10.8 billion into the troubled Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp.
    14. The university will also replace or upgrade buildings and infuse $3 million per year to Chelsea's current $12 million school budget.
    15. Since the beginning of the year, WEG has been looking at various alternatives to infuse capital and service its debt.
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