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 Iliad ['iliəd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
《伊利亚特》(古希腊描写特洛伊战争的英雄史诗, 相传为荷马所作)

  1. Homer's Iliad is a famous epic.
    荷马的 “伊利亚特” 是著名的史诗。
  2. Iliad is generally fathered on Homer.

[ noun ]
a Greek epic poem (attributed to Homer) describing the siege of Troy

Iliad \Il"i*ad\, n. [L. Ilias, -adis, Gr. ?, ? (sc. ?), fr. ?,
?, Ilium, the city of Ilus, a son of Tros, founder of Ilium,
which is a poetical name of Troy.]
A celebrated Greek epic poem, in twenty-four books, on the
destruction of Ilium, the ancient Troy. The Iliad is ascribed
to Homer.

  1. The "Gita" is a small but vital part of the epic "The Mahabharata," which, being eight times longer than "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey" combined, is the longest poem in the world.
  2. "When we go to lunch and we're waiting for the check or on a station platform waiting for a train, he pulls out his copy of the 'Iliad,'" she says.
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