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 ITG 添加此单词到默认生词本
=Iterative Test Generator 迭代测试程序, 重复测试生成程序

    1. A reporter suggests to Michael Diamond, outside counsel for ITG (and a partner in the law firm of Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom) that the firm's commissions seem high.
    2. "As a result of our investigation into the commodities, ITG moved out of Michigan," he says.
    3. The CFTC plans to continue pressing its lawsuit against David and Bruce Beare, ITG's founders, in hopes of recovering funds for investors.
    4. ITG says its commission rate is always fully disclosed.
    5. People familiar with that investigation say the CFTC opened a file on ITG in 1985.
    6. Like the U.S. regulators' suits, the latest complaints allege, among other things, that ITG and Siegel misrepresented to clients the potential for making large profits in commodity futures options, and didn't adequately outline the associated risks.
    7. According to the CFTC charges, ITG customers lost $428 million from January 1984 to May 1989 while paying the firm commissions of $283 million.
    8. Securities lawyers said that while this type of suit wasn't unusual, the complaint against ITG is the largest sales-solicitation action in CFTC history.
    9. ITG is appealing the decision.
    10. In 1981, ITG became a member of the New York Futures Exchange, a subsidiary of the New York Stock Exchange.
    11. In March 1987, ITG left the exchange of its own volition, according to an exchange spokeswoman.
    12. ITG figured each new customer cost it $543.85 in marketing expenses.
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