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 Hercules ['hә:kjuli:z]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 赫拉克勒斯(希腊神话中大力士), 大力士, 武仙座

    [ noun ]
    1. (classical mythology) a hero noted for his strength; performed 12 immense labors to gain immortality

    2. <noun.person>
    3. a large constellation in the northern hemisphere between Lyra and Corona Borealis

    4. <noun.object>

    Hercules \Her"cu*les\, n.
    1. (Gr. Myth.) A hero, fabled to have been the son of Jupiter
    and Alcmena, and celebrated for great strength, esp. for
    the accomplishment of his twelve great tasks or

    2. (Astron.) A constellation in the northern hemisphere, near

    {Hercules' beetle} (Zo["o]l.), any species of {Dynastes}, an
    American genus of very large lamellicorn beetles, esp.
    {Dynastes hercules} of South America, which grows to a
    length of six inches.

    {Hercules powder}, an explosive containing nitroglycerin; --
    used for blasting.

    1. Anantha Raman, an industry analyst who has criticized Mr. Giacco's extended tenure, says, "If I were one of (the Hercules or Himont top executives), I'd be annoyed by the chairman hanging on and not letting them run the companies."
    2. Three British minesweepers left Scotland on Monday for the eastern Mediterranean, and C-130 Hercules transport planes were flying to Saudi Arabia and Oman, using a Royal Air Force base in Cyprus as a staging post.
    3. Under terms of the treaty, the visitors may not travel without an American escort or or go more than 31 miles from Hercules.
    4. For the first half, Himont contributed $55 million of Hercules $109 million profit, not counting a gain of $90 million from the initial public offering.
    5. Last spring, with great fanfare about his new job, he told Hercules shareholders that Himont was one of the "new developments which we believe has set us (Hercules) on a solid growth course for the future."
    6. Last spring, with great fanfare about his new job, he told Hercules shareholders that Himont was one of the "new developments which we believe has set us (Hercules) on a solid growth course for the future."
    7. Several aerospace companies, including Utah's Hercules Aerospace, have submitted proposals and NASA is to announce its decision later this month.
    8. In the Lockheed transaction, the aircraft being acquired by the Civil Aviation Administration of China are civilian versions of the rugged C-130 Hercules that the U.S. Air Force uses to drop paratroops and fly supplies to poorly equipped airstrips.
    9. Devron-Hercules, a maker of process control equipment for the paper industry, is 70%-owned by Hercules Canada Inc. It employs 200 people and had 1990 revenue of $28 million Canadian dollars (US$24.5 million).
    10. Hercules said it compensated for most of the lost equity earnings through higher operating earnings, higher net interest income and a stock buy-back program.
    11. Hercules Engines Inc. received a $30.7 million Army contract for motor vehicle engines.
    12. But a Hercules spokesman denied the rumor as the stock fell 1 1/8 to 62 7/8.
    13. Tory MPs had feared the dispute had similarities with the Westland affair, which led to Mr Heseltine's resignation from the cabinet in 1986. Mr Rifkind welcomed the purchase of the updated Hercules, in a contract worth Pounds 1bn.
    14. Ted Olsen, spokesman for rocket-maker Hercules Inc. in Magna, Utah, said Kerr-McGee and Pacific Engineering also supply Hercules with oxidizer.
    15. Ted Olsen, spokesman for rocket-maker Hercules Inc. in Magna, Utah, said Kerr-McGee and Pacific Engineering also supply Hercules with oxidizer.
    16. Hercules decided last year, in the management realignment, to put greater focus on its troubled aerospace business, which primarily makes rocket-booster systems.
    17. The HC-130 Hercules four-engine turboprops are often used for surveillance purposes.
    18. Hercules Engine Inc. won a $22.5 million Army contract for trucks.
    19. The Hercules C-130 plane had left Medellin and was landing at the airport of Ocana when the accident occurred, the officials said.
    20. Each segment contributed about one third of Hercules's 1986 earnings.
    21. A C-130 Hercules cargo plane also was standing by.
    22. Three U.S.-built C-130 Hercules transports circled the dunes of Palmachim Beach, about 15 miles south of Tel Aviv, to drop the members of the International Association of Airborne Veterans.
    23. Mr Gossage says it was a promising business, but one that needed substantial investment that Hercules could not afford. The company is undertaking a widespread and unemotional examination of its business with a view to disposals.
    24. Hercules, 23, is on loan indefinitely from the National Zoo in Washington to the Pittsburgh Zoo as part of the national Species Survival Plan in the hopes that Zakula, 22, will find him attractive.
    25. Mr. Giacco's bold restructuring of Hercules, begun more than nine years ago to reduce the company's dependency on low-margin, bulk chemicals and to build a major stake in aerospace, has been completed.
    26. In addition to the short-notice spot inspections, the INF treaty allows the Soviets to station up to 30 inspectors for the next 13 years in Magna, Utah, site of Hercules Plant No. 1, where medium-range American missiles were produced.
    27. "I can't understand why in the world Hercules would want to sell Himont," said Anantha Raman, an industry analyst.
    28. The explosion last week will "further postpone the realization of improved profitability that has been anticipated" by Hercules, S&P said.
    29. Its 'Drunken Hercules' is characteristic in its robust earthiness.
    30. Hercules wrote down most of the facility in 1987, but declined to give the specific amount of the write-down.
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