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 Halina 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. "The doors are locked, but we want to show the world we won't quit," said Halina Chmiel of Milford, one of the leaders of the protest.
    2. Halina Chmiel, a spokeswoman for the dissidents, said Palaszewski was notified nine weeks ago that he was being transferred back to Poland by the Franciscan order.
    3. "It is true we have started to collect signatures," said Halina Bornowska, spokesman of Citizens Movement for Democratic Action, known by its Polish initials ROAD, the main group supporting Mazowiecki.
    4. "To me, it seems horrifying," said one passenger, Halina Gawronska. "They come to us and we welcome them with open arms and then this.
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