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 Grimm [grim]   添加此单词到默认生词本
参见Grimm,Jakob(Ludwig Karl)

    [ noun ]
    1. the younger of the two Grimm brothers remembered best for their fairy stories (1786-1859)

    2. <noun.person>
    3. the older of the two Grimm brothers remembered best for their fairy stories; also author of Grimm's law describing consonant changes in Germanic languages (1785-1863)

    4. <noun.person>

    1. "The police contacted us early yesterday because they said they had this address," First Lutheran Pastor Robb Grimm told The Miami Herald.
    2. Roland D. Grimm, president and a director of Faneuil Management Corp., Boston, was elected a director at this financial-services and specialty-retailing company, bringing the number of board seats to 17.
    3. Boulder city spokesman David Grimm said he was game to contribute some silliness.
    4. I don't want to become the Brother Grimm of opera." Country music singer George Strait has a crisp tenor, a lean frame and a career that is rolling like the tumbleweed in his native Texas.
    5. I was just astounded." Grimm said the family will gather in Youngstown, Ohio, Aug. 2 for the reunion.
    6. "The old ones are dying off and the young ones leave us," says Councilwoman Mary Grimm, 81, a retired cook.
    7. "Everybody's retired," Mrs. Grimm says. "We have more widows in town than anyone else.
    8. Perrault and the Grimm brothers left out the cannibalism and made Little Red Riding Hood into "a real wimp" who "stupidly tells the wolf where she's going" on the way to her grandmother, Dundes said.
    9. "The Luck Child" also contains elements of Grimm's "The Griffin" and "The Devil with Three Golden Hairs."
    10. The $91.3 billion of mergers and acquisitions announced during this year's first half is ahead of even the record 1985 pace, Grimm says.
    11. The twin-engine private plane smashed into the only vacant home in the neighborhood, said city spokesman David Grimm.
    12. Gari Grimm, WordStar president and chief executive officer, said Mr. Smith's contract was up for renewal and "we were unable to reach agreement on the terms of his new contract."
    13. "This period of Flynt's life was described as a painful period when he was using narcotics," Grimm said.
    14. Terry Grimm of Winston & Strawn asked for a lifting of the protective order to prevent Drexel "from continuing what is close to being a fraud on this court."
    15. "I would challenge the notion that blood pressures went up because they went on low-salt diets," said Dr. Richard Grimm of the University of Minnesota. "It may just be the normal variation in blood pressure.
    16. John Weitz New York "The megadeals of the 1980s are no longer the norm," says Beth Rosencrans, research director at W.T. Grimm.
    17. Assuming that the Grimm estimate is correct and the firms' figures are accurate, arbitrage profits amounted to only 1.4% of the three-year total, she said.
    18. James J. Kelly, Grimm's principal shareholder, will become a senior vice president, the statement said.
    19. Whatever the promises, there are people like Grimm all over the formerly communist East, hard workers who have been demoralized by losing their jobs and seeing prices of nearly everything zoom upward.
    20. Not all of what goes on in this novel adds up, but that's OK by fairy-tale rules, and Mr. Suskind makes clear from his first page that he is writing in the tradition established by the Brothers Grimm.
    21. The Waleses' marriage clearly has become deeply unhappy but, compared with the tales of the Brothers Grimm, it has been positively serene. Perhaps the fairy tale was supposed to mean, simply, that a girl had married her prince.
    22. Larry Grimm's family has been growing over a span of two decades as he's discovered brothers and sisters he hadn't known existed.
    23. Judge Kellam's ruling also dismissed the claims of treasure hunters Messrs. John and Grimm and Columbia University.
    24. However, Grimm, which acts as a broker for buying and selling companies and tracks mergers and acquisitions, said the total value of transactions during the third quarter rose 93% to a record $70.2 billion from $36.4 billion in the 1986 period.
    25. "The single most severe impact on tourism this year," is how Grimm described the Aeromexico fiasco.
    26. While Grimm attributed that to their "aggressive entry into the U.S. market," investment bankers look to more practical considerations.
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