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 Grad [greid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 毕业生, 校友

  1. Henry has been a grad student now for ten years.
  2. The climber tried in vain to make a grad at the rope.
  3. JULIE: Well, Ross and I were in grad school together.

[ noun ]
  1. one-hundredth of a right angle

  2. <noun.quantity>
  3. a person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university)

  4. <noun.person>

del \del\ n. (Math.)
a differential operator which, operating on a function of
several variables, gives the sum of the partial derivatives
of the function with respect to the three orthogonal spatial
coordinates; -- also called the {gradient} or {grad}. It is
represented by an inverted Greek capital delta ([nabla]), and
is thus because of its shape also called {nabla}, meaning
harp in Hebrew.

  1. The witnesses said corpses were lying on the streets in the Novo Sarajevo and Novi Grad districts. Casualty figures were difficult to confirm but Belgrade television said at least three civilians had been killed and dozens wounded.
  2. "There is an answer," said commission Executive Director Rae Grad, adding that half of all U.S. infant deaths are preventable. "It's basic, boring, straightforward.
  3. No casualties were reported as sporadic 122mm Soviet-designed Grad rockets exploded around Jounieh, 10 miles north of Beirut, and the coastal highway running north to the ancient port of Byblos.
  4. Police said the Soviet-designed 122mm Grad rockets were fired from Moslem west Beirut shortly before dawn.
  5. Fidelity paid about $20,000 and returned some items that hadn't been sold, including two armchairs that Mrs. Nkrumah says she saw in a waiting room outside Mr. Grad's office.
  6. Mr. Grad insists that such sales followed legal procedures.
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