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 Glenda ['glendə]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Sharpton said that he met several times recently with a "60 Minutes" producer and that Glenda Brawley called Wallace last week.
    2. Glenda Jackson and Ben Kingsley are swell as the eccentric author and the bookstore owner who take it upon themselves to liberate the turtles trapped at the local zoo.
    3. Glenda Jackson, winner of two Academy Awards and two Emmys, says she's dismayed by the roles being written for actresses today, but sees hope in a pair of situation comedies.
    4. Miss Brawley's mother, Glenda, has defied a subpoena to tell a grand jury investigating the case about her daughter's allegations of sexual abuse at the hands of six white men.
    5. Officers obtained warrants charging Glenda Kniphfer with trespassing and vandalism, both misdemeanors, after the incident late Tuesday.
    6. "China's decision to breed Yong Yong in Beijing is wholeheartedly supported by Busch Gardens, and every effort is being made to facilitate the transfer," Glenda Gilmore, spokeswoman for the Tampa park said Friday.
    7. She points out the window to Glenda Jackson, the current week's guest star, taking her lunch break outside.
    8. Glenda Jackson and Christopher Plummer have avoided broken legs and other major disasters traditionally associated with the staging of "Macbeth." But their Broadway-bound production of Shakespeare's blood-soaked tragedy hasn't been without problems.
    9. Her mother, Glenda Brawley, has sought sanctuary in a church to avoid a 30-day jail sentence for refusing to testify.
    10. We'll never know," said Busch spokeswoman Glenda Gilmore.
    11. Glenda Brawley comes off as a media-teasing charlatan.
    12. "It certainly doesn't look like a mandate, does it?" said Glenda Straube, campaign manager for Alaskans for Privacy, which led opposition to the measure.
    13. Glenda Brawley, Tawana's mother, raised questions about Crist's possible involvement in her daughter's alleged attack, but Crist was also cleared by the grand jury.
    14. David and Glenda Goodman were found shot to death in their den, two handguns beside them on the floor.
    15. He declined comment after he and his wife, Glenda, left the courtroom.
    16. Glenda Jackson is a radio pop psychologist in another show in which Burnett shows up at the station to say the psychologist's advice ruined her life.
    17. Tawana Brawley told the friend that she and her mother, Glenda, invented the story to keep the mother's live-in boyfriend from beating Ms. Brawley, New York Newsday reported today.
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