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 Flanders ['flɑ:ndəz]   添加此单词到默认生词本
佛兰德斯(中世纪欧洲一伯爵领地, 包括现比利时的东佛兰德省和西佛兰德省以及法国北部部分地区)

    [ noun ]
    a medieval country in northern Europe that included regions now parts of northern France and Belgium and southwestern Netherlands

    1. FRENCH money market rates were jittery yesterday, reflecting uncertainty about the immediate outlook for the franc, writes Stephanie Flanders. The nature of the pressure facing the franc makes it difficult for traders to know which way to jump.
    2. The regional government of Flanders is to discuss the issue Friday.
    3. The story of how Ms. Flanders lost control of Details is a classic in the magazine industry.
    4. Socialist interference, therefore, is the price Flanders has to pay for Belgium's existence.
    5. Jack Mudd of the London Regiment, and the red poppy he sent home from a Flanders field.
    6. Flanders and Swann look on the audience as their accomplices and a cosy conspiracy results.
    7. Those who are wealthy enough to commute are gradually moving out of the Brussels region, to set up home just over the border in Flanders where taxes are lower.
    8. Elsewhere in television: OUR HOSPITAL _ Ed Flanders is returning as Dr. Westphall for an episode on NBC's "St.
    9. The Martens coalition dissolved Oct. 19 in a linguistic dispute between wings of both his Christian Democrats and conservative coalition parties from Flanders, the Dutch-speaking northern half of Belgium, and Wallonia, where the language is French.
    10. From their base, in a clutch of luxurious villas in Flanders, the Berts preside over their film empire, which includes Kinepolis plus cinema complexes in Kortrijk and Ghent.
    11. Brussels and Wallonia must, from now on, live with an extreme right like that which Flanders and France has already suffered for several years.
    12. Flanders, the battle of Ardennes, Bastogne _ those names are part of our history as well as your own, part of our shared heritage of freedom and the sacrifices it requires.
    13. Neither Flanders nor his agent would comment.
    14. Nor has Gross neglected verse designed initially to be sung including WS Gilbert, Irving Berlin, Cole Porter, Ira Gershwin, Michael Flanders.
    15. In the wider vision of the Flemish free-traders, all roads lead to Flanders.
    16. This extends to early music: Flanders enjoyed an intellectual peak around 1500, and polyphonic music features boldly in the programme. Of course the paymasters at city, region, and national level are worried that Antwerp 93 might seem elitist.
    17. In Flanders, priorities were different.
    18. But there are more motorway accidents in Flanders.
    19. South from Holland and Flanders into the old Burgundian domains of Limburg and Luxembourg and the prince-bishoprics of the Holy Roman Empire and thence to the modern battlefields of Lorraine.
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