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 firestorm ['faiəstɔ:m]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 风暴性大火

  1. The firestorm that leveled Hiroshima after the atomic blast.
  2. The firestorm created by the Chicxulub impact and the subsequent pollution were devastating.
  3. There's been a firestorm in the financial markets of an economy and the IMF is akin to the fire brigade, they're coming along and they diagnose the situation and apply remedies.

[ noun ]
  1. a storm in which violent winds are drawn into the column of hot air rising over a severely bombed area

  2. <noun.phenomenon>
  3. an outburst of controversy

  4. <noun.communication>
    the incident triggered a political firestorm

  1. That approach intensified after the 1985 introduction of the reformulated new Coke, and the consumer firestorm that resulted in the return of the original formula (now called Coke Classic).
  2. Disclosure that the fee was under consideration caused a firestorm of protest, both on Capitol Hill and in the banking and savings and loan industry.
  3. The services tax was repealed in a political firestorm a few months later, but the status quo was not re-established.
  4. Last year, Sen. Moynihan ignited a firestorm with his tax-cut proposal, which he said was intended to stop the government from using surplus Social Security revenues to finance the deficit.
  5. Conservatives have pressed the administration to continue the ban, warning that lifting it would create a firestorm of protest from anti-abortion groups.
  6. The state House adjourned Thursday without tackling a $1.2 billion tax-hike package that signaled the end of the economic boom dubbed the "Massachusetts miracle" and triggered a "firestorm" of taxpayer protest.
  7. The June Supreme Court decision touched off a political firestorm and ultimately led to enactment of the new flag-protection law.
  8. It was not the first time Laboa found himself at the center of a Panamanian political firestorm.
  9. It exploded into a local media firestorm with her recent club "debut."
  10. Dave Howard was caught in a firestorm while battling the blaze and suffered severe burns on about half his body, CDF spokesman Tim Span said.
  11. Chief of Staff John Sununu said in a broadcast interview on Sunday that the fee remains an option, despite what he called a firestorm of opposition on Capitol Hill.
  12. Neverthless, the new approach ignited a firestorm of protest.
  13. Ultimately, what remained of British industry came out of this firestorm slimmer and more productive.
  14. About 140,000 people perished in the firestorm that engulfed the city.
  15. The Lowman Complex was a virtual firestorm, generating cyclonic wind that witnesses said snapped some trees in half, said spokeswoman Pat Entwistle.
  16. The collision, with the estimated power of 70 million one-megaton bombs, could have kicked up 3-mile-high tidal waves and a sparked a worldwide firestorm.
  17. The case generated a firestorm of criticism of Florida's Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, which was responsible for supervising Bradley.
  18. The National Park Service has already been at the center of a much-publicized political firestorm over its 16-year-old "natural burn" policy, which allows lightning-caused fires to burn themselves out, except where they threaten towns or park buildings.
  19. A similar, more lengthy provision of that law, "Section 89," set up complex procedures to prevent discrimination in health and other benefits; it provoked such a firestorm of criticism that Congress repealed Section 89 about two years ago.
  20. This firestorm of activity is a sign of desperation, says Paul Warnke, chief arms-control negotiator in the Carter administration and a strong opponent of the SDI program.
  21. But the firestorm raging elsewhere in the country is masked by inactivity and tight security in Ayodhya, where Hindu fundamentalists vow they will get through roadblocks and start building their temple to the god Rama on Tuesday.
  22. Both Schmoke and Buckley had previously supported legalization _ Schmoke set off a firestorm in April 1988 when he suggested the idea to the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
  23. The comptroller's plan set off a firestorm immediately after it was proposed in February.
  24. But, even that vague recommendation raised a firestorm of criticism in Congress.
  25. "Congress' rejection of the pay raise quells a political firestorm over raising congressional salaries but foments a serious problem within the federal judiciary," Raven said.
  26. "We're not trying to create a political firestorm," says Gov. Chiles.
  27. So Secretary of State George Shultz went back to the Soviets to "clarify," if not renegotiate, a point in the treaty that we had previously closed and that might have henceforth set off a firestorm as the ambiguous ABM Treaty language has done.
  28. The February proposal had unleashed a firestorm among the nation's private pilots, who flooded the FAA and congressional offices with more than 80,000 complaint letters.
  29. The ruling touched off a political firestorm and led to enactment of the federal law, which carries a maximum one-year jail sentence.
  30. For most nominees, questioning the Brown decision would immediately ignite a firestorm of opposition from a broad coalition of civil rights groups.
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