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 exaggeration [igˌzædʒə'reiʃən]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 夸张, 夸大的事物, 夸大之词

  1. I can say without exaggeration that she is an angel.
  2. The selected truths, exaggerations, and lies of wartime propaganda.
  3. Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?

[ noun ]
  1. extravagant exaggeration

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. the act of making something more noticeable than usual

  4. <noun.act>
    the dance involved a deliberate exaggeration of his awkwardness
  5. making to seem more important than it really is

  6. <noun.communication>

Exaggeration \Ex*ag`ger*a"tion\, n. [L. exaggeratio : cf. F.
1. The act of heaping or piling up. [Obs.] ``Exaggeration of
sand.'' --Sir M. Hale.

2. The act of exaggerating; the act of doing or representing
in an excessive manner; a going beyond the bounds of truth
reason, or justice; a hyperbolical representation;
hyperbole; overstatement.

No need of an exaggeration of what they saw. --I.

3. (Paint.) A representation of things beyond natural life,
in expression, beauty, power, vigor.

  1. Mr Yassir Abed Rabbo, a top adviser to Mr Arafat, described Mr Peres' talk of significant progress as 'complete exaggeration.
  2. But that's what it is and there's no exaggeration." Usually, Mr. Cuomo has blamed state Senate Republicans for failure to pass his budget.
  3. Mr Michael Kalisher QC, the prosecuting counsel, said it had stumbled along 'borrowing from Peter to pay Paul' to stave off inevitable failure. Witnesses described Mr Dobson, who had been involved in four liquidations, as prone to exaggeration.
  4. It is up to the point without any exaggeration.
  5. To do it on a moonless night is the pinnacle of precision flying "with no exaggeration," said Lt.
  6. "It is no exaggeration that the price of oil in the coming months will be mainly determined by what the Americans want," he said.
  7. Some would call than an exaggeration, but a 1988 survey of 1,360 pilots found Lindbergh Field tied in fith place with Denver's Singleton Airport as the least safe airport in the United States.
  8. It would be an exaggeration to say peace is breaking out all over; the signs of detente remain tentative, and there is no guarantee that any of them will lead to bigger things.
  9. There is a danger of exaggeration, however.
  10. "In brief, it is not an exaggeration to say that we have heard no testimony or seen any documents that suggest the department has done even an adequate job in managing and overseeing its student loan program responsibilities," Nunn said.
  11. It becomes clear later what a whopper of an exaggeration that is.
  12. It was not much of an exaggeration.
  13. But apparently pressure began to build in a mind psychiatrists say might have crossed the line from reality to exaggeration.
  14. The NBER study says that is an exaggeration.
  15. When asked whether he was concerned about the numerous reports that Kuwaitis have been retaliating against suspected Palestinian collaborators there, he shrugged and then added, "The Kuwaitis killing Palestinians is a big exaggeration.
  16. But many of his plays also failed and the literary wars left "Poet Squab," as his enemies nicknamed the short, plump laureate, to remark late in life with little exaggeration: "More Libels have been written against me, than almost any Man now living."
  17. "It is no exaggeration to say his research saved valuable works for future generations." Funeral arrangements were incomplete.
  18. It is no exaggeration to say that Manescu's life is in the balance." Left-wing guerrillas fired four anti-tank rockets at the national navy compound in San Salvador Friday, and two servicemen were wounded, the armed forces reported.
  19. The Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and Drug Administration disputed the report as a major exaggeration of the risk.
  20. He said with only a touch of exaggeration that added up to "90-hour weeks." And these marathon rounds were compounded by agonizing deadlock over how to cut the ballooning federal deficit.
  21. But there are those with an interest in such exaggeration.
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