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 Everest ['ɛvərɪst]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 珠穆朗玛峰, 顶峰

  1. The intimidating bulk of Mt Everest rose up before the climbers.
  2. Everest is the climber's next objective.
  3. Climbing Mt. Everest is anything but a pleasure trip.

[ noun ]
a mountain in the central Himalayas on the border of Tibet and Nepal; the highest mountain peak in the world (29,028 feet high)

Everest \Everest\ prop. n.
the highest mountain in the world, situated in Nepal and
Tibet; 29,028 feet high. proper name

Note: Also used as a metaphor for a high mountain.

Syn: Mount Everest, Mt. Everest.
[WordNet 1.5]

  1. A man from Illinois and a woman from Washington have reached the summit of Mount Everest, the world's tallest peak, the Tourism Ministry announced Tuesday.
  2. Industrial Equity (Pacific) Ltd., a Hong Kong investment firm, said it raised its stake in Everest & Jennings International, a Los Angeles-based medical-equipment maker, to the equivalent of 26.51% of the Class A common shares outstanding.
  3. Jim Whittaker, who in 1963 became the first American to reach the summit of Everest, the world's tallest mountain at more than 29,000 feet, was skeptical of the study but said it may have merit.
  4. In composite trading on the American Stock Exchange yesterday, Everest & Jennings class B shares closed at $1.50, up 25 cents.
  5. Expedition leader Jim Whittaker, of Port Townsend, Wash., who in 1963 became the first American to scale Everest, was evacuated to Nepal in early April after injuring his leg.
  6. Nine years later, equipped with a high-tech artificial foot, Whittaker will join the American Everest Expedition with the goal in May of becoming the first handicapped climber to conquer the world's highest peak.
  7. Four of the women scaled Everest via the southeastern route, and two by the little-traversed North Face.
  8. Hornbein, who climbed Mount Everest in 1963, said the possibility of temporary brain damage should be kept in perspective, considering all the hazards of mountaineering.
  9. But to maintain this level of earnings Shirley, who has five children aged between six and 18, works 80 hours a week. Shirley and his men work for Everest, one of Britain's biggest double glazing companies.
  10. The 13-member group led by James Frush, a writer and attorney from Seattle, climbed Everest via the traditional southeast ridge, the ministry said.
  11. Jim Whittaker, the first American to conquer Mount Everest who was injured last week during another climb, said Tuesday he hoped to rejoin his expedition for its planned summit assault on Earth Day.
  12. On the American Stock Exchange yesterday, Everest & Jennings Class A shares were unchanged at $2.50.
  13. But if Everest is going to be tackled, Hillary said he would rather see everyday climbers giving it a try rather than "prima donnas" who criticize attempts made with the aid of oxygen, fixed ropes and high altitude porters.
  14. It is a notable (climb) in the history of Everest." This was the fifth British Everest expedition to tackle the ridge.
  15. It is a notable (climb) in the history of Everest." This was the fifth British Everest expedition to tackle the ridge.
  16. The 255-mile-long pipeline will run from the Everest field to the U.K. mainland at Teesside.
  17. Anderson, who came within 800 feet of the summit in a 1985 expedition to Everest, said the team hopes to put a man at the peak by the end of April.
  18. On April 24, five of 25 soldiers scaled Everest's heights.
  19. Mr. Emoto, who has climbed Mount Everest, been on expeditions to the Arctic and written a book on Tibet, admits that "my newspaper thinks I'm a little bit crazy."
  20. The jam on Everest also has increased.
  21. Sir Edmund Hillary, the 70-year-old New Zealand adventurer who pioneered the route up Mount Everest in 1953, complained last March of tourist development destroying the pristine innocence of the majestic mountains.
  22. Two teams reached the summit of Mount Everest from opposite sides Thursday and broadcast stunning pictures of azure skies and the craggy, snow-covered Himalayas rising above the clouds at the top of the world.
  23. By that gauge, Chimborazo in Ecuador, where sea-level is far higher than at the latitude of the Himalayas, towers about 1 1/3 miles above Everest.
  24. Climbers attempting Mount Everest will from next month have to pay Nepal a cleanliness fee of Dollars 4,000. The money will be used to remove rubbish from the mountains.
  25. Two years later, he and Norgay and 11 others set out with the British Everest Expedition on that route.
  26. The operation, which began Monday evening, was expected to take up to 12 hours, said Pittsfield Mayor Anne Everest Wojtkowski, who kept in contact with the Shepard family in Pittsburgh.
  27. No clutter. Everest put an end to that.
  28. Warren Nelson, chief financial officer at rival Everest & Jennings, Los Angeles, says the people at Invacare "are very tough players.
  29. On Oct. 17, Just reached the top of 29,028-foot Mount Everest and reportedly stayed for 20 minutes before starting his descent.
  30. Like the Nepalese Tenzing and Hillary in 1953, the "Everest '88" expedition will be supported by the United Nations.
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