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 Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae 添加此单词到默认生词本
【医】 [猪]红斑丹毒丝菌

    erysipeloid \er`y*sip"e*loid\ ([e^]r`[i^]*s[i^]p"[-e]*loid), n.
    [L., fr. Gr. 'erysi`pelas; 'eryqro`s red + pe`lla hide, skin.
    See {Red}, and {Pell}, n.] (Med.)
    a usually self-limiting cellulitis of the hand somewhat
    resembling erysipelas, caused by the bacterium
    {Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae}. It may start at the site of a
    wound obtained while handling meat or fish, and may
    occasionally become generalizd with protracted illness and
    severe toxemia. --Stedman

    Erysipelothrix \Er`y*sip"e*lo*thrix\
    ([e^]r`[i^]*s[i^]p"[-e]*las), n. [see {erysipelas}.]
    a genus of non-motile, rod-shaped Gram-positive bacteria of
    the family {Corynebacteriaceae}. They are facultatively
    anaerobic and produce acid but no gas from glucose. Members
    of this genus are parasitic on fish, birds, and mammals,
    including man. The type species of the genus, {Erysipelothrix
    rhusiopathiae}, causes erysipeloid in man. --Stedman

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