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 Entwistle gearing 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. The filing said Entwistle bought the Anaren stock for investment purposes and may buy more shares in the future.
    2. Canada applauded the speech but cautiouned that much work remained before apartheid is dismantled. "It's a historic step in the right direction," said Mark Entwistle, a spokesman for the Department of External Affairs.
    3. The Entwistle guitar _ one of 140 in his collection and five up for auction _ was sold to an unidentified buyer.
    4. A Bird spokesman said that "it is our understanding that (Entwistle) wasn't soliciting for our stock, but it became available at an attractive price so they bought it."
    5. In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Entwistle said it holds 165,000 Lifeline shares.
    6. Entwistle Co. said it raised its stake in Anaren Microwave Inc. to 21% of the common shares outstanding from 19.9%.
    7. The Lowman Complex was a virtual firestorm, generating cyclonic wind that witnesses said snapped some trees in half, said spokeswoman Pat Entwistle.
    8. Entwistle said he believes the BIA is creating unnecessary delays.
    9. In over-the-counter trading, Entwistle was quoted at $66 a share bid.
    10. Previous filings and the current filing said that Entwistle acquired its Anaren stock because it believed it to be undervalued.
    11. Entwistle said in the filing that it holds its Espey stake as an investment, and that it still may seek to buy the Pinsleys' shares or acquire control.
    12. He added that Bird "anticipates making contact" with Entwistle's managers this week and until then won't comment on Entwistle's disclosure that it plans to seek representation on Bird's board.
    13. He added that Bird "anticipates making contact" with Entwistle's managers this week and until then won't comment on Entwistle's disclosure that it plans to seek representation on Bird's board.
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