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 Endo   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Takao Endo, a fund manager at Asahi Investment Trust Co., said the sluggish August trading exaggerated the effect of the concerns about interest rates and markets abroad, but agreed that the Bundesbank meeting is making investors apprehensive.
    2. The three Liberal Democratic lawmakers _ Vice Secretary General Hajime Ishii, Masao Endo and Kenichiro Otsubo, said they returned the money.
    3. One was Fumiyo Endo, an entertainer at the Mikado, a glamorous theater-restaurant and favorite watering hole of Tokyo businessmen.
    4. "One dealer told me that if he had more cars, he'd sell them right away," says Takuro Endo, Nissan executive vice president.
    5. Criticism of Tokyo often seems "to stem from an outdated perception about us," Mr. Endo told a session of GATT's 96-nation council, which commissioned the review.
    6. Miss Endo said buying a $3.50 gift set of goodies was the least she could do for her 12-year-old English setter.
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