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 Eisenhower ['aizәn,hauә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 艾森豪威尔

  1. And that example that President Eisenhower has set, we will continue to follow.
  2. Eisenhower won his election in America.
  3. Eisenhower introduced his entourage to the Pope.

[ noun ]
United States general who supervised the invasion of Normandy and the defeat of Nazi Germany; 34th President of the United States (1890-1961)

  1. Among the gaffes: One book said President Truman "easily settled" the war in Korea by dropping "the bomb," although nuclear weapons weren't used in Korea and Eisenhower was president when the armistice was signed.
  2. September 1957 to May 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower activated 8,873 members of the Arkansas Army and Air National Guard to Little Rock, Ark., during school integration disturbances.
  3. Twenty-seven presidents, from Martin van Buren to Dwight D. Eisenhower, took the oath of office in their shadow.
  4. Mr. Haig sharply differed with Mr. Reagan, whom he served as secretary of state, saying that President Eisenhower never "brutalized" his secretaries of state.
  5. The leading candidate appears to be retired federal Judge Lawrence Walsh, 74-year-old former president of the American Bar Association, diplomat and Justice Department official, who served in the Eisenhower and Nixon administrations.
  6. "Louis Macey (a former councilman) proposed to change the name to Eisenhower Airport," Mancuso said. "When Kennedy was assassinated, they wanted to name it after him.
  7. In 1890, the 34th president of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, was born in Denison, Texas.
  8. Eisenhower and Taft knew that ensuring harmony between America's ambitions and its resources is a moral imperative because states that tolerate a persistent imbalance between the ends and means of policy run the risk of national ruin.
  9. In the index, it has nine entries for first lady Mamie Eisenhower.
  10. Joyce Parnell, a secretary at the Chamberlin Hotel which overlooks the passage into Hampton Roads from Chesapeake Bay, said the Eisenhower drifted into the other ship.
  11. President Dwight D. Eisenhower's plan to visit Japan was called off amid fear for his safety.
  12. So will the Nixon daughters, Julie Eisenhower and Tricia Cox with their husbands, and the Nixons' four grandchildren.
  13. He stayed two weeks, holding talks with President Eisenhower and touring the country coast to coast.
  14. The Teamsters generally had courted Republican presidential candidates ever since Dwight Eisenhower's bid for re-election in 1956.
  15. Quayle was scheduled to meet Monday morning with President Francesco Cossiga and later give an address commemorating Eisenhower in the Italian Parliament.
  16. Dwight Eisenhower, then Army chief of staff, appointed Norstad director of plans and operations after the war.
  17. Bentsen dropped the harsh political tone at the Eisenhower Middle School in San Antonio, where he visited 7th and 8th grade students working on personal computers.
  18. Eisenhower was literally pushed into entering the fray by Gov. Thomas E. Dewey and others determined to stop Sen. Robert Taft, known as "Mr.
  19. It was an ironic echo of Eisenhower's own promise, in 1952, that if elected, he would go to Korea.
  20. It was President Dwight D. Eisenhower who proposed a policy of "Open Skies," but the Soviets, mired in their traditional paranoia, rejected the idea.
  21. David Eisenhower, who once left notes in the White House saying "I will return," said Friday that he or one of his two daughters could follow his famous grandfather's footsteps into politics.
  22. Scaasi's other clients have included first lady Mamie Eisenhower and entertainers Barbra Streisand, Joan Crawford and Polly Bergen.
  23. Dwight D. Eisenhower, who hated top hats, had dictated the wearing of homburgs at his own inauguration.
  24. President Eisenhower had three of them, and his terms generally are viewed as having been economically stable and successful.
  25. Dwight D. Eisenhower was named commander of the military forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  26. He also wrote books on figures such as the late Dwight Eisenhower, actress Grace Kelly and former Teamsters president Dave Beck.
  27. Eisenhower ordered U.S. military troops to stand by in Puerto Rico and the Guantanamo Bay base in Cuba in case Nixon needed protection.
  28. You continually have to work on it." Republicans last held a majority when President Eisenhower was in his first term and the Dodgers still were in Brooklyn.
  29. His father, Bryce N. Harlow, was a close adviser to Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Ford.
  30. Dwight Eisenhower launched an invasion of Europe after reading weather reports later found to be faulty.
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