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 ECE 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. It i ece ary to improve the ackaging.
  2. Because he will not end such money as is u ece ary.
  3. US attacks on Afghanistan must not lead to u ece ary civilian casualties.

  1. They now account for a fifth of all Hungarian enterprises and a sixth of total value added. However, their overall performance has been poor, with net profits in the latest year down two-thirds from the previous year, the ECE says.
  2. In Russia alone, the ECE expects net national product (output excluding services) to drop by a quarter in 1992, a fall of 36 per cent since 1989. In the three Baltic states the situation this year has been worse still.
  3. The outlook for eastern Europe remains sombre. The ECE says almost no quantitative information is available for Russia 'due to the complete breakdown of the state information system'.
  4. The 1985 ECE protocol on Transboundary Pollution called for a 30 per cent reductio on 1980 emission levels by 1993.
  5. The ECE expects global coal demand to remain fairly flat over the next five to ten years at about 4.5bn tonnes but then to pick up as oil and gas become scarcer.
  6. This represents a total increase of 800m tonnes between 1990 and 2010 to 4.3bn tonnes. The ECE expects electric power generation - now accounting for 45 per cent of world coal demand - to grow in importance as other uses decline.
  7. ECE's pre-tax profits in 1991 were Pounds 2.6m and are forecast at not less than Pounds 2.3m for the year to March 31 1993.
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