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 Dutchmen ['dʌtʃmən添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 荷兰人(Dutchman的复数)

  1. We say things like What does that mean? If that's true I am a Dutchmen.
  2. Prof.: so when I say if that's true I am a Dutchmen, all I am actually saying is that that's not true.
  3. It is the peculiar story of two of the more talented Dutchmen at the World Cup and the way, when egos collide, a flutter of a butterfly's wing can quickly turn into a tempest.
    这两位超级天才荷兰球员之间在世界杯的故事说起来很特别。 当两个自负的人起冲突,就像蝴蝶效应一样,小小蝴蝶的翅膀震颤也会演变成大风暴。

Dutchman \Dutch"man\, n.; pl. {Dutchmen}.
A native, or one of the people, of Holland.

{Dutchman's laudanum} (Bot.), a West Indian passion flower
({Passiflora Murucuja}); also, its fruit.

{Dutchman's pipe} (Bot.), .

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