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 Donetsk [də'netsk]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    an industrial city in the Donets Basin

    1. Alexander P. Fisun, deputy coal industry minister, told Izvestia more than 300,000 miners were striking 94 of the 121 mines in the the Donetsk Basin of the eastern Ukraine, the country's largest coal field.
    2. The Tass account was headlined "Insulting Vigil at Lenin Monument in Donetsk," and said passers-by expressed anger and bewilderment at the protest.
    3. John Hughes, a Welsh blacksmith, opened the first big steel plant in Donetsk, then called Yuzovka, in 1872.
    4. A Karaganda steel plant director warned he had only a day's worth of coal reserves, and steelworkers in Pavlograd in the Donetsk Basin said they had only a two-day supply, newspapers reported.
    5. With the help of I.C.M. Artists, a concert management firm based in New York City, Gilman booked the Donetsk into New York's City Center, with a Wednesday night debut.
    6. The explosion occurred on the Matveyev Kurgan-Zakadychnoye section of the Donetsk railway line in southern Russia, just south of the Ukrainian border near the Sea of Azov, the government newspaper Izvestia said.
    7. Miners' representatives meeting in Donetsk last month condemned the Communist Party for hindering reforms.
    8. Our personal lives are worse than they were a year ago, especially housing and food," lamented Alexander Zuyevsky, 40, who works in the October Mine in Donetsk.
    9. Strikers stayed out at Voroshilovgrad in the Donetsk Basin, Tass reported.
    10. The 65 dancers, members of the Donetsk State Opera and Ballet Theater, had been left in Baltimore after promoters of their 15-city American tour backed out, leaving them without work, costumes or music.
    11. Tass said authorities agreed to the Donetsk demands for pay bonuses and longer vacations.
    12. About 300,000 miners in the area, the Donetsk Basin, have been striking since July 15. They have held out for more concessions than those granted to Siberian miners who began the strikes July 11 but returned to work earlier this week.
    13. Strike organizers say the walkout affected about 200 of the 250 mines in the eastern Ukraine's Donetsk basin, the Soviet Union's largest coal field.
    14. In the Donetsk, "Each million tons of coal cost the lives of two or three coal miners," the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda reported Wednesday in a dispatch from the congress.
    15. A private from the Ukrainian city of Donetsk who would identify himself only as Sergei said it was none of the Soviets' business who leads the country, and that the sooner they ended their involvement, the better.
    16. Izvestia said coal production worth $31 million had been lost in Donetsk and the strike had cost industry in one Siberian region $75 million.
    17. The bottom line, he says, is that the government can't keep pouring money into the coal mines. Miners in Donetsk earn twice the average worker's salary.
    18. In Makeyevka, in the Donetsk region, strike committee leader Vladimir Komissaruk said the strike spread today to two more mines.
    19. Many Donetsk miners feel left out of the political process. "They didn't ask us who to nominate for president," Timoshenko said.
    20. The work stoppage in the Kuznetsk Basin in western Siberia has spread to the nation's largest coal mining region, the Donetsk Coal Basin in the Ukraine.
    21. Alexander E. Makarsky, a TV journalist in Donetsk, said in a telephone interview a proposed settlement was reached Saturday after two days of negotiations between miners' representatives, the government and the official trade union.
    22. Anatoly Saunin, a legislator from Donetsk, told the Supreme Soviet every day lost in the mines costs millions of rubles that otherwise might help improve living conditions in the entire nation.
    23. Otis will have a 51 per cent stake in UKR Otis, to employ 4,900 people at a factory in Kiev and maintenance operations in Kharkov and Donetsk. The venture is the third in the former Soviet Union for Otis.
    24. This time, the government warns that it won't negotiate. Moreover, Donetsugol, the government agency that oversees Donetsk's mines, says it won't cover any losses incurred by a strike.
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