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 Djibouti   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    1. port city on the Gulf of Aden; the capital and largest city of Djibouti

    2. <noun.location>
    3. a country in northeastern Africa on the Somali peninsula; formerly under French control but became independent in 1997

    4. <noun.location>

    1. The cargo's odyssey began in February 1987 when the waste from Italian manufacturers left the Italian port of Marina di Carrara on a Maltese freighter for Djibouti in East Africa.
    2. Diplomatic intervention apparently resulted in their release, and they appear to have crossed again into Djibouti.
    3. Foreign Minister Abd Al-Rahman Jama Barreh made the announcement over the weekend in an interview broadcast by government radio in Somalia's northwestern neighbor, Djibouti.
    4. As the voluntary program is being carried out, however, Djibouti authorities have also been conducting sweeps of the capital in an effort to forceably repatriate undocumented Ethiopians, many of whom apparently left their country on political grounds.
    5. Another $2.5 billion will be sent to other countries, including Syria, Morocco, Djibouti and Lebanon, according to the group.
    6. Djibouti officials refused to accept the waste.
    7. The attackers arrived on foot, threw three grenades into the crowd on the terrace and left in a stolen taxi, according to Anne Suard, first secretary at the French Embassy in Djibouti.
    8. Last Dec. 20, 125 Ethiopian "illegal aliens" in Djibouti were rounded up by the government, herded into a closed, metal freight car and returned to Ethiopia.
    9. Since the waste was first loaded aboard the Cypriot-flagged freighter Ljnx, there have been efforts to dispose of the cargo in Djibouti, Venezuela, Syria and Greece.
    10. A French warship today fired warning shots to halt a North Korean freighter near Djibouti in the Bab al Mandab strait linking the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.
    11. Djibouti said an explosion ripped through a cafe in the east African republic, killing eight people and injuring 27.
    12. Djibouti, Venezuela, Syria and Greece refused.
    13. A grenade attack killed the 9-year-old son of a French soldier and wounded 17 other people in the Red Sea nation of Djibouti, which has served as a staging ground for French forces in the Persian Gulf, officials said.
    14. Djibouti's authorities turned it away.
    15. Two people have died after possible contamination by its waste after stops in Djibouti, Venezuela, Syria and Greece.
    16. The Eritreans claim that the oil was stolen by defectors who took it to Djibouti, along with crucial tugs and pilot boats, as the rebels advanced on the port.
    17. The Zanoobia is the last of three freighters used to ship the wastes to ports in Djibouti, Venezuela, Syria, Greece and then back to Italy.
    18. Howe is on a six-nation tour that will also take him to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, North Yemen and Djibouti.
    19. The embassy was closed Saturday, but The Washington Post in Saturday editions quoted acting Ambassador Idriss Ahmed Chirwa as saying Dahan has been suspended and ordered to return to Djibouti to face charges that he did not specify.
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