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 discernible [dɪ'sɚnəbl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 看得清的, 可看出的, 可辨别的, 辨别得出的

[计] 可识别的

  1. A discernible mark or effect left by contact with something.
  2. Changing or varying, especially often and without discernible pattern or reason.
  3. Weak as it is, the disturbance in the wind field is discernible.

[ adj ]
  1. perceptible by the senses or intellect

  2. <adj.all>
    things happen in the earth and sky with no discernible cause
    the newspaper reports no discernible progress in the negotiations
    the skyline is easily discernible even at a distance of several miles
  3. capable of being perceived clearly

  4. <adj.all>
    an essay with a meaning that was not always discernible
  5. capable of being seen or noticed

  6. <adj.all>
    a discernible change in attitude
    a clearly evident erasure in the manuscript
    an observable change in behavior

Discernible \Dis*cern"i*ble\, a. [L. discernibilis.]
Capable of being discerned by the eye or the understanding;
as, a star is discernible by the eye; the identity of
difference of ideas is discernible by the understanding.

The effect of the privations and sufferings . . . was
discernible to the last in his temper and deportment.

Syn: Perceptible; distinguishable; apparent; visible;
evident; manifest.

  1. Baseball is much more of an individual's game than football, so the exploits of its heroes are more discernible and, thus, writeable.
  2. Most other departments' effects are readily discernible and their impact is immediate. If the personnel specialist has a role in the future, it is as an internal consultant to line management.
  3. If there was a view discernible among Chinese it was that the Hong Kong reporter deserved some form of punishment for traducing a bank employee. Needless to say, a contrary opinion did not appear in the official press.
  4. "There's a discernible gap between the manufacturers' long planning horizons and those of airlines, which are getting shorter as they change routes and add aircraft."
  5. The compromise plan, worked out by House and Senate negotiators Monday as part of the budget reconciliation bill, would have no immediately discernible impact on the 33 million elderly and disabled Americans who receive Medicare.
  6. The more responsible people will be focusing on the Budget Summit, whose purpose is not to accomplish anything discernible in the real world.
  7. As one customs man says: 'The green channel is now a mile wide'. Over at the cargo terminal change is rather less discernible.
  8. He predicted the economy, as measured by the gross national product, would grow at a barely discernible 0.75 percent rate for the rest of the year if oil prices remain near current levels.
  9. Yet more often, the maestro is on automatic pilot, with no discernible viewpoint or involvement in the music he leads.
  10. These actions generate tens of thousands of dollars in attorneys' fees but no discernible environmental benefit.
  11. A Treasury spokesman said that at this point there wasn't any readily discernible reason for the increase in receipts from a year ago.
  12. "It was a very small signal, but it was a discernible signal," Ms. Eissler said of Friday's first test.
  13. It was discernible long before Gatt Round 7, in the emergence of a perverse quasi-colonial rapprochement of style between EC and US cinema. Put simply: for the last ten years we have had a hard time telling European and Hollywood films apart.
  14. Cancerphobia awards give plaintiffs' attorneys an important tool for persuading people to join the class even though they have no discernible physical injury.
  15. His 1914 Steinway piano was barely discernible in the debris. Burned were 15 years of genealogical research on his family. Missing were his cats, Patrick, Nicholas and Lucy.
  16. "The record is very clear that there have been many covert operations throughout a series of administrations, some involving larger sums of money than the Contras, where there never has been a discernible leak from the Congress," says Adm.
  17. Merchants catering to the affluent this Christmas say the deepening recession has caused a subtle but discernible change among spending patterns.
  18. The second quarter GNP, which left the economy growing at an inflation adjusted total of $4.16 trillion, was the weakest showing since a barely discernible 0.3 percent advance in the fourth quarter of 1989.
  19. There is no discernible difference according to age or gender.
  20. Assuming recovery is at least discernible by the start of next year, ICI's present yield of 6.8 per cent should be safe enough.
  21. In California, by contrast, few definite signs of recovery are discernible.
  22. After a month of meetings without any progress toward a deficit-reduction package, they say the wisdom of agreeing to closed-door, bipartisan negotiations will be in doubt unless there is discernible progress soon.
  23. What could be interpreted as facial features are vaguely discernible in the markings.
  24. Some progress is already discernible.
  25. Coors spokesman Doyle Albee said the label change had no discernible effect on earnings, which reached record levels in 1988. "We are simply responding to requests from customers," Albee said.
  26. "The caveat is that we've seen this pattern before, and in fact by midyear last year, there was a discernible improvement in the manufacturing sector, but it wasn't sustainable," Mr. Handler said.
  27. At the last round of Geneva talks, "the two sides' approaches were so far apart that no convergence was discernible," Novisti charged in frustration.
  28. So, while providing a welcome political fillip for Mr Collor, the 'Mexico effect' will be modest, if discernible.
  29. The government's report that the index of leading economic indicators rose 0.2 percent in April was in line with expectations, and brokers said it had little discernible effect on the market.
  30. Do either of our two presidential candidates, George Bush and Michael Dukakis, have any discernible links to this country's 30 million black citizens?
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