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 Costello   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Clearly the songs that I write are nothing like Elvis Costello songs." Indeed, such lines as "if there's a nuclear winter, at least it will snow," show a sense of humor Costello took a while to reveal.
    2. Clearly the songs that I write are nothing like Elvis Costello songs." Indeed, such lines as "if there's a nuclear winter, at least it will snow," show a sense of humor Costello took a while to reveal.
    3. "I'll be thinking about one soldier over there in particular," Costello said.
    4. Democrats _ Annunzio, N; Bruce, N; Collins, N; Costello, N; Durbin, N; Evans, N; Hayes, N; Lipinski, N; Poshard, N; Rostenkowski, N; Russo, N; Sangmeister, N; Savage, present; Yates, N.
    5. Michael Costello, the lead Pentagon investigator on the documents case, declines to discuss the allegations against Mr. Currie.
    6. Mr. Costello spent much of his business career working for General Motors Corp., which wants to succeed Oshkosh as the supplier of future trucks.
    7. SPK denied reports that a lack of security in the capital had forced Hun Sen to go to the eastern province of Svay Rieng to meet with Australia's deputy foreign secretary, Michael Costello, on Sunday and Monday.
    8. Costello sought the authority after investigators on Feb. 25 searched the Electronic & Space Division of Emerson Electric Co. near St. Louis in a separate fraud investigation, but Carlucci rejected the idea.
    9. Investigators said his most famous job was one he bungled, a 1957 hit on mob boss Frank Costello.
    10. Democrats _ Annunzio, Y; Bruce, Y; Collins, X; Costello, Y; Durbin, Y; Evans, N; Gray, Y; Hayes, N; Lipinski, X; Rostenkowski, Y; Russo, Y; Savage, N; Yates, N.
    11. It is the preceding years covering Joyce's childhood and early manhood that concern Costello.
    12. Costello, 37, was a press aide to Rosalynn Carter during the Carter administration.
    13. With respect to the red tape that surrounds the weapons acquisition process, Mr. Costello called, as many other industry and government officials have, for a simplification of the rules.
    14. The $2 million ad campaign shows old black-and-white film footage of Abbott and Costello and the Three Stooges slapping one another on the face.
    15. He added that Costello deserved no apology.
    16. A great idea would be Tammy Wynette and Elvis Costello.
    17. Defense contractors are ambivalent about Mr. Costello.
    18. But the FBI's chief suspect is the inmate, who allegedly billed the calls to the station, WCAP-AM, in Costello's name, he said.
    19. But the lowered cost is the result of changes in the program, said Robert Costello, undersecretary of defense for acquisition; Air Force Lt.
    20. When Mrs. Schroeder said the current investigation may show "we've been overcharged" for some weapons, Costello answered that "we may have been undercharged" and explained that the investigation is still incomplete.
    21. Williams gleefully replied: "I'll buy him a parachute." One of his clients was Frank Costello, the mobster who was the model for Mario Puzo's "Godfather."
    22. Unidentified members of Costello's staff told the Los Angeles Times that a confidential internal cost analysis shows the price for the bombers has soared to $750 million per aircraft, the newspaper reported Friday.
    23. His credits include "Abbott and Costello" and "Rogue's Gallery." During that time he served as president of the Director's Guild in Hollywood.
    24. LOOKING FOR A JOB during the holiday season isn't such a dumb idea, says Costello, Erdlen & Co. Employment activity slackens in December, but companies running ads now "are serious about filling their openings immediately," the consultant explains.
    25. "There is less handling of paper, less paper generated, less postage cost," says Robert Costello, director of credit and accounts receivable.
    26. The band "Living Colour" won honors as newcomer of the year. Elvis Costello won his "Elvis" for songwriter of the year. Amnesty International won the award for tour of the year.
    27. Costello, during a day-long meeting of the House Armed Services Committee, repeatedly defended the Defense Department procurement policies of the Reagan administration.
    28. Ninety colorized vintage films, the cartoon series "Felix the Cat" and the "Abbott and Costello" TV series will be distributed worldwide by Columbia Pictures Television, it was announced.
    29. Costello, 35, was Celeste's spokesman from 1981-1984.
    30. Costello's suggestion for the search warrant review was rejected not only by Carlucci but by Brown, the Pentagon inspector general, according to a Pentagon source, speaking only on condition he not be named.
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