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 contradict [`kɑntrə'dɪkt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 反驳, 与...抵触, 与...矛盾

vi. 反驳

  1. The two statements contradict each other.
  2. The report contradicts what we heard yesterday.
  3. Don't contradict your father.


Contradict \Con`tra*dict"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Contradicted};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Contradicting}.] [L. contradictus, p. p. of
contradicere to speak against; contra + dicere to speak. See
1. To assert the contrary of; to oppose in words; to take
issue with; to gainsay; to deny the truth of, as of a
statement or a speaker; to impugn.

Dear Duff, I prithee, contradict thyself,
And say it is not so. --Shak.

The future can not contradict the past.

2. To be contrary to; to oppose; to resist. [Obs.]

No truth can contradict another truth. --Hooker.

A greater power than we can contradict
Hath thwarted our intents. --Shak.

Contradict \Con`tra*dict\, v. i.
To oppose in words; to gainsay; to deny, or assert the
contrary of, something.

They . . . spake against those things which were spoken
by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming. --Acts xiii.

  1. "Luckily, I had lots of written material ready," Allen said. "Since you never know what the intermission guests will say, I don't want to anticipate or contradict them.
  2. They'd have to think twice about trying that." Any move against the squatters on behalf of the landowners would contradict official propaganda.
  3. He said the study appears to contradict research indicating that demeanor comes into play only when the evidence is ambiguous.
  4. Parishioners said the decision appears to contradict what the church recently asked parishes to emphasize _ ministry to the poor, sick and elderly.
  5. Guccione's only evidence to contradict Thoreson was his word, Wilk noted.
  6. "The Communist Party of the Soviet Union believes the existence of individual property, including ownership of the means of production, does not contradict the modern stage in the country's economic development," the party's new platform says.
  7. The result seems to contradict a major U.S. study reported last November.
  8. Wong's conclusions, presented at the 40th annual meeting of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, contradict the traditional scientific belief that nicotine stimulates brain cells.
  9. The plan to trim Carbide's $3.2 billion debt seems to contradict part of the corporate strategy Mr. Kennedy disclosed recently.
  10. The court previously has allowed prosecutors to use unlawfully seized evidence to contradict a defendant's own trial testimony.
  11. These figures, and common sense, contradict any claim that smoking is an `addiction'." The institute said the report "trivializes the serious drug problem faced by society.
  12. Tension has increased over the last few years between the bishops and religion teachers, some of whom have been disciplined for advocating birth control and female priests, and taking other stands that contradict church teachings.
  13. The difference of opinion has forced many of Ohio's 250 public libraries to adopt policies that contradict the law.
  14. McFarlane said he doubted at the time of the 1986 conversation that North was correct, but that his own memory of the 1985 shipment was hazy so that he couldn't contradict North.
  15. Poindexter insisted the offer didn't contradict the administration's repeated claims that it wouldn't make concessions to terrorists.
  16. Mr. Hodel denied that the options would contradict the Reagan administration's bent against new taxes, intervention in the free market and tax subsidies for economically marginal technologies such as solar and wind power.
  17. Wilson, almost alone among California Republicans, opposed Ronald Reagan's 1976 campaign for president and went to New Hampshire on behalf of then-President Ford to contradict Reagan's account of his governorship.
  18. The blob has to react to each clue conversationally, trying to learn his identity without saying anything that might contradict it.
  19. Among other things, the guidelines ban use of asterisks and footnotes that contradict the rest of the advertisement and the use of misleading photos.
  20. But Klaus was reminded that restoring government wage controls last year seemed to contradict his famed love of laisser faire capitalism.
  21. The new Soviet figures contradict previous Western estimates of Chernobyl-related cancer deaths.
  22. Hungary's official MTI news agency carried a terse note Wednesday night from the Foreign Ministry, promising to "extensively contradict" accusations contained in a formal protest by the East German government.
  23. A department official confirmed the call, but said the United States was only relaying information given to it by Syrian officials and had no reason to contradict that information.
  24. Dr. James E. Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, told the panel that OMB forced him to contradict his findings that the so-called greenhouse effect will increase the likelihood of drought.
  25. The Treasury secretary appeared to contradict a statement earlier by Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman David Ruder that the debt-financed takeovers, known as leveraged buyouts or LBOs, do not pose a problem for the U.S. economy.
  26. Because a single set of estimates (even when, rarely, they dare contradict a president's prejudices) gives presidents a seemingly solid basis on which to build national security policy.
  27. They seemed, like the owners, hesitant to contradict the forceful commissioner.
  28. Also, many securities analysts and institutional investors are saying GM's job-guarantee and pay promises contradict the struggling auto maker's earlier vows to cut costs and enhance efficiencies.
  29. The reports contradict an often-repeated prophesy that the nation will have tens of thousands too many physicians by the year 2000 and so should train fewer doctors.
  30. Rep. Tom Lantos, D-Calif., said Friday the paper trail and Carmen's testimony contradict Pierce's statement to the subcommittee last spring that he took no part in project decisions.
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