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 Connecticut [kə'netikət]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 康涅狄格

  1. A town of southwest Connecticut north of Bridgeport. It is a residential community with varied industries. Population, 32,016.
  2. A town of extreme southwest Rhode Island on the border of Connecticut east of New London. It was first settled in1648 and has a textile industry dating to1814. Population, 21,605.
  3. A town of southwest Connecticut on Long Island Sound southwest of Bridgeport. Settled in1639, it is mainly residential and has varied light industries. Population, 53,418.

[ noun ]
  1. a New England state; one of the original 13 colonies

  2. <noun.location>
  3. a river in the northeastern United States; flows south from northern New Hampshire along the border between New Hampshire and Vermont and through Massachusetts and Connecticut where it empties into Long Island Sound

  4. <noun.object>
  5. one of the British colonies that formed the United States

  6. <noun.location>

  1. The District of Columbia has the nation's second highest per capita income after the state of Connecticut: $20,303 annually, which is 32.3 percent higher than the national average.
  2. Lieberman has sought to outflank Weicker by portraying him as aloof from Connecticut concerns, and has attracted support from all parts of the political spectrum.
  3. Great Northern had raised the antitrust issues in a federal lawsuit in Connecticut that it considered its first line of defense in the takeover battle.
  4. Twenty years ago, Connecticut lawmakers approved a statewide income tax, only to reverse direction in the face of voter revolt and quickly repeal it.
  5. Earlier this year, First Constitution established a credit administration department in anticipation of a deteriorating real-estate market in Connecticut.
  6. She had been cared for at her apartment in neighboring Hamden by a Connecticut Hospice nurse, who looked in on her twice a week, an outside nurse and a privately hired, live-in aide who took care of her around-the-clock.
  7. The new holding company, Webster/Eagle Bancorp Inc., will have about $1.2 billion of assets and 19 banking offices in Connecticut.
  8. In 1974, Ella T. Grasso was elected governor of Connecticut, the first woman to win a governorship without succeeding her husband.
  9. Democrats bolstered their majority control of the Senate by ousting three-term GOP maverick Lowell Weicker of Connecticut, who refused to concede defeat, and by capturing Republican seats in Virginia, Nevada and Nebraska.
  10. Connecticut, in an attempt to lure more young people into the work force, raises its minimum wage 25%, effective October 1988, and considers lowering the minimum working age to 15.
  11. Under Connecticut's emergency shutdown plan, 7,000 nonessential state employees, or about 14% of the work force, were furloughed yesterday.
  12. Connecticut and Wyoming got the best grades in a state-by-state report card of educational performance released today by a parents group.
  13. Bush 25 Dole 10 Robertson 0 Kemp 0 Uncommitted 0 Total 35 Jesse Jackson drew one in five white votes Tuesday in Connecticut's Democratic primary, far more than in 1984 but too few to deny Gov. Michael Dukakis a big win, exit polls said.
  14. "Tonight, Connecticut voters across all ideological lines _ and an overwhelming margin of blue-collar voters _ gave a resounding endorsement of the Dukakis bid for the presidency," the campaign statement said.
  15. A Greyhound bus in Connecticut was hit by sniper fire and the chairman of the strike-crippled bus line offered a $25,000 reward for information about a weekend shooting in Florida that injured eight passengers.
  16. In 1935, he was elected Connecticut's secretary of state.
  17. The dissident group is led by Connecticut investor Robert Gintel.
  18. Also, Chase has publicly acknowledged that it was examining acquisitions of both healthy and troubled banks in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut while it continued to get out of nonstrategic businesses.
  19. Snow and ice on runways and ice on wings closed airports in Illinois, Oklahoma, Connecticut, New York and Wisconsin.
  20. In particular, it is examining acquisitions of both healthy and troubled banks in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
  21. Americans had to make do with Swiss ham from Tessin or imitations from Pennsylvania or Connecticut.
  22. The appeal acted on today was filed by lawyers for Connecticut, New York City, the National League of Cities and the American Civil Liberties Union.
  23. In its 38 years, The Nature Conservancy has saved threatened lands ranging from 343 square miles of rare New Mexican desert grassland to a heron feeding ground on nine-tenths of an acre of Connecticut marsh.
  24. Lynn Blackwell, president of the board of the Connecticut NARAL group, said O'Neill "is not an active anti-choice politician.
  25. Bush mentioned his wealthy Connecticut background Thursday night, saying, "Yes, my parents were prosperous."
  26. Texas yesterday became the latest state to suspend business with Salomon; Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Connecticut, California and Colorado also suspended dealings with the firm in recent weeks.
  27. Mr. Shelton, 50 years old, currently is a senior vice president at Bank of New England Corp.'s Connecticut Bank & Trust unit.
  28. The grant program was authorized by Congress in the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, named after the late Connecticut Rep. Stewart McKinney.
  29. Carney, who is semiretired, came from his home on the Connecticut shore.
  30. The New York-based company, which runs nine stores in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, blamed "serious cash flow" difficulties for its decision to file for protection from creditors under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy code.
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