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 Compton ['kɔmptən]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    United States physicist noted for research on x-rays and gamma rays and nuclear energy; his observation that X-rays behave like miniature bowling balls in their interactions with electrons provided evidence for the quantal nature of light (1892-1962)

    1. School police officers sit in daily on the briefings of Compton's regular police to learn about gang-related incidents outside the schools.
    2. Bill Compton, chairman of the TWA pilots' union, said the move is another "negative" for TWA.
    3. In Compton on Friday, 23-year-old David Berkley was shot and killed in what was believed to be a gang-related attack, said police Lt.
    4. Ms. Compton was serving a life sentence for attempted murder; Ms. Burk was serving time for drug manufacture and possession, officials said.
    5. But Mr. Simonds-Gooding denied rumors reported in the trade press that Saatchi planned to merge three units, Bates, Backer & Spielvogel, and Saatchi & Saatchi Compton.
    6. The owner and pilot knew me - they wouldn't just go off and take anybody.' Early on the morning of May 4 Mr Nadir left his flat in London's Belgravia, arriving with Mr Dimond at Compton Abbas airfield in the late morning.
    7. Three days later, Ms. Durfee found the bottle on the Sakonnet River shore in Little Compton.
    8. `Somebody hit the fog and somebody hit their brakes and it just started piling up," Compton said.
    9. Saatchi & Saatchi DFS Compton, a huge New York-based agency, created the first ads for Northwest's no-smoking program and remains the airline's agency for other general advertising.
    10. The wreck inspired Sir Compton Mackenzie's novel Whisky Galore.
    11. A Coast Guard helicopter, a 41-foot patrol boat and an airplane joined in the search for the plane, which flew out of the Compton Airport.
    12. "Surprisingly, that will be an area of growth, particularly in the Pacific Rim," Mr. Compton said at the meeting.
    13. The Hecco-Craig group holds about a 16% stake in Citadel; Hecco is a Los Angeles-based investment partnership, and Craig is a consumer electronics concern based in Compton, Calif.
    14. Mr. Compton said the company will invest its capital in the auto insurance business "only in those states where the regulatory and political climates permit us to earn adequate returns on our investments."
    15. However, Mr Paul Compton at Credit Lyonnais Laing said: 'Given that the contract under investigation is only worth Pounds 1m, I think the fall has been overdone.' Smiths Industries eased 4 to 376p, with BZW shifting its recommendation from buy to hold.
    16. Efforts to battle the gangs intensified in 1983, after gang gunfire wounded five students at Compton's Dominguez Hills High School.
    17. James C. Compton, president of the company's Cyprus Metals Co. unit, was named to the additional post of executive vice president of Cyprus Minerals.
    18. Last July, Diana and Prince Edward, the youngest brother of Prince Charles, made a surprise appearance at Lindsay's wedding to Sarah Brennan at the 10th-century Church of St. Nichola in Compton, Surrey outside London.
    19. Mitchell, supported by Prime Minister John Compton of St. Lucia, renewed the unity drive at the 1987 summit meeting of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, a regional sub-grouping within the Caribbean Community and Common Market.
    20. On a Stratford visit, Samuel buys some curious items very cheaply (the date is 1796) but is not offered the papers from New Place, now at Compton House.
    21. Compton, a city of 96,000 located 12 miles south of downtown Los Angeles, has one of the highest murder rates in the area.
    22. "He's a nice guy," said James Crawford, 47, a Compton firefighter and neighbor of Ross. "He's a churchgoing family man I would speak with him across his driveway, on weekends mostly.
    23. "The networks need a scapegoat, and the peoplemeter has been blamed for just about everything in the last six months," said Betsy Frank, senior vice president at ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi DFS Compton.
    24. The other two are Norm Magnusson, a copywriter for ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi DFS Compton Inc., and Adam Buckman, a reporter for Electronic Media, a trade publication.
    25. "It is one of the most tragic losses Compton has ever had," said Councilwoman Patricia A. Moore. "He was so important to this community - to Compton's history.
    26. "It is one of the most tragic losses Compton has ever had," said Councilwoman Patricia A. Moore. "He was so important to this community - to Compton's history.
    27. "It was a real nice piece of business," said Peter Greene, president and chief executive of Saatchi & Saatchi Compton Hayhurst Ltd. in Toronto.
    28. Compton's, which is owned by privately held Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. of Chicago, said it managed to beat its rivals in the encyclopedia world by concentrating 70 people on this effort for the past 18 months.
    29. "There's a lot of rumors," said Army Maj. David Compton of the U.S. military headquarters in Stuttgart.
    30. A wonderful source of all things chocolate, especially chocolate zebras, lions and teddy bears for stocking fillers. Algerian Coffee Stores Ltd, 52 Old Compton Street, London.
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