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 Coleridge ['kəulridʒ]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    English romantic poet (1772-1834)

    1. He's also chairman of Sturge Holdings, Lloyd's biggest agency. The news from Sturge was that it expected to cut its annual dividend by half, so trimming Coleridge's income from his 6.8m share stake by Pounds 559,324. But that's not all.
    2. The market was going through a period of 'intense media speculation', and any delay risked 'more false and damaging rumours'. Halfway through his presentation Mr Coleridge was congratulated by one Name, Mr Alan Diamond, for his leadership.
    3. Lebanese security sources have said Abu Nidal's guerrillas seized Coleride and Traboulsi when they saw Coleridge taking pictures of parts of Ein el-Hilweh.
    4. Coleridge told reporters Tuesday: "I am a guest in Lebanon.
    5. Few readers, perhaps, will close this book unexasperated by Coleridge's foibles; I think none will come to the end unmoved by his painfully expansive genius.
    6. Coleridge, Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats and Byron sang his praises.
    7. Perhaps its greatest achievement is to have reminded us of how complex Coleridge was, how he managed to salvage an enlivening passion even from disappointment and dissipation.
    8. Unlike some of the other great Romantics - Shelley, Wordsworth and Coleridge, for example - Clare was not a man accustomed to seeing sermons in stones.
    9. MPs who attended a meeting with Mr Coleridge on Tuesday say they were unimpressed.
    10. Rupert Murdoch - who owns almost everything else - turns on the charm and Coleridge laps it up. This is, I hope it is clear, an unashamedly soft-centered portrait of various Streets of Shame.
    11. Lloyd's Chairman David Coleridge warned that the 1989 and 1990 years could also be difficult, though he declined to make any detailed predictions.
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