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 Carla ['kɑ:lə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 卡拉(f.)

    1. "We're not ruling out layoffs," said company spokeswoman Carla LeVasseur.
    2. It is unlikely to be 'business as usual' until January. One can only hope that Mrs Carla Hills, the chief US trade negotiator, can stick to her guns when she says: 'This is the final - I repeat - the final week of the Uruguay Round.
    3. Italian ballet students are being helped to aspire to the achievements of compatriots Carla Fracci and Alessandra Ferri.
    4. Super 301 was employed reluctantly by Mrs Carla Hills, the then US trade representative, in 1989 and 1990.
    5. "There was absolutely no chocolate until the Liberation," Carla said.
    6. Yesterday, in a sharply worded statement, U.S. Trade Representative Carla Hills said she is "deeply disturbed" that the EC adopted the local-content requirement.
    7. The union today said it thought the strike was gaining strength. Spokeswoman Carla Feeley said 139 of the state's 606 school districts were closed today, down from the more than 145 closed Monday.
    8. U.S. Trade Representative Carla Hills and the leaders of the other delegations sought to portray the talks in a positive light, saying the discussions were useful in highlighting areas of disagreement and providing momentum to resolving disputes.
    9. In the store, Carla and Kate thought long and hard, trying to make a selection from among the many beckoning comestibles.
    10. Without leaders like Carla Bley, the big band format would be in danger of becoming a part of the musical heritage industry.
    11. You think there wasn't some planning here? Carla: Great, a stab in the back, I love it.
    12. The office of U.S. Trade Representative Carla Hills said the action had been signalled in advance but it had no comment.
    13. Chief White House economist Michael Boskin and Secretary of State James Baker are strong advocates, Trade Rep. Carla Hills somewhat less so.
    14. Many of the negotiations are already complete, according to U.S. Trade Representative Carla Hills.
    15. U.S. Trade Representative Carla Hills, a former board director at Chevron Corp., says President Bush "respects the constitutional prohibition."
    16. Timothy Dawson, formerly with Merrill Lynch, and Carla Bakker, formerly with Morgan Stanley, have joined as directors.
    17. However, Trade Representative Carla Hills is working "seven days a week on the phone" trying to get other trade ministers to consider GATT solutions, a spokeswoman for Mrs. Hills said.
    18. And my special Trade Representative, Carla Hills, impressed on me the need to move that particular category forward.
    19. Main attractions include Chick Corea and Carla Bley. A long way from Hackney, the Stravinsky Hall in is the focus of the Montreux Jazz Festival (July 1 - 16, Tel: 21 313 45 67).
    20. Among the stories Payette covered were the first U.S. airliner hijacking, in El Paso in 1961, and Hurricane Carla.
    21. Speakers include U.S. Trade Represenative Carla Hills, Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher and Michael Boskin, chairman of Council of Economic Advisers.
    22. In news conferences here yesterday, Mr. Yeutter and White House Trade Representative Carla Hills castigated the Europeans for their refusal to negotiate away their export subsidies for agriculture.
    23. "Hopefully he will be able to go back to work and get back in the saddle soon," Carla Schalman said Wednesday.
    24. The bonds, $46,000 in one case and $50,000 in the other, were sold in January 1988 to Brian R. and Carla N. Muller and Custode and Lucia Macro.
    25. However, U.S. Trade Representative Carla Hills and other delegation leaders sought to portray the talks in a positive light, saying the discussions had been useful in highlighting areas of disagreement and providing momentum to resolving disputes.
    26. "This is the fifth time I've gone over two months without seeing them because Carla wouldn't let me," he said.
    27. He is expected to explore in full Bush's trade initiative in separate meetings with Secretary of State James A. Baker III, Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady and U.S. Trade Representative Carla Hills.
    28. Seoul officials are concerned that Washington's trade pressure will get tougher in the coming months when U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle, Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher and Trade Representative Carla Hills visit Seoul.
    29. U.S. Trade Representative Carla Hills, who selected her home state of California for the meeting, expressed satisfaction with what she termed a "quite constructive" session.
    30. "We are very appreciative of your assistance in expediting this matter," former HUD Secretary Carla Hills said in a March 1987 note to Ms. Dean thanking her for her intervention on behalf of a Hills client.
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