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 Burleigh   添加此单词到默认生词本
伯利(即 Burghley,lst Baron, William Cecil的称号)

    1. Lois Burleigh, director of equity investments at ASB Capital Management in Washington, has been buying Amoco and Arco, and lately has been accumulating British Petroleum.
    2. Ms. Burleigh favors Bell Atlantic, Nynex and Pacific Telesis.
    3. Schaffer has specialized in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, Burleigh in the Gulf and Kirby and Walker on Arab-Israeli issues.
    4. Burleigh is a member of the board of directors of The Associated Press, president of the American Society of Newspaper Editors Foundation and on the advisory board of Marquette's College of Communications.
    5. Horse and rider need years to build the mutual confidence needed to tackle tracks such as Burleigh and Badminton.
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