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 Bovidae 添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] 牛科

    [ noun ]
    true antelopes; cattle; oxen; sheep; goats

    Bull \Bull\, n. [OE. bule, bul, bole; akin to D. bul, G. bulle,
    Icel. boli, Lith. bullus, Lett. bollis, Russ. vol'; prob. fr.
    the root of AS. bellan, E. bellow.]
    1. (Zo["o]l.) The male of any species of cattle
    ({Bovid[ae]}); hence, the male of any large quadruped, as
    the elephant; also, the male of the whale.

    Note: The wild bull of the Old Testament is thought to be the
    oryx, a large species of antelope.

    2. One who, or that which, resembles a bull in character or
    action. --Ps. xxii. 12.

    3. (Astron.)
    (a) Taurus, the second of the twelve signs of the zodiac.
    (b) A constellation of the zodiac between Aries and
    Gemini. It contains the Pleiades.

    At last from Aries rolls the bounteous sun,
    And the bright Bull receives him. --Thomson.

    4. (Stock Exchange) One who operates in expectation of a rise
    in the price of stocks, or in order to effect such a rise.
    See 4th {Bear}, n., 5.

    5. a ludicrously false statement; nonsense. Also used as an
    expletive. [vulgar]

    Syn: bullshit, Irish bull, horseshit, shit, crap, crapola,
    bunk, bunkum, buncombe, guff, nonsense, rot, tommyrot,
    balderdash, hogwash, dogshit.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    {Bull baiting}, the practice of baiting bulls, or rendering
    them furious, as by setting dogs to attack them.

    {John Bull}, a humorous name for the English, collectively;
    also, an Englishman. ``Good-looking young John Bull.''
    --W. D.Howells.

    {To take the bull by the horns}, to grapple with a difficulty
    instead of avoiding it.

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