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 Bonaparte   添加此单词到默认生词本
波拿巴(①姓氏, 法国科西嘉岛上的家族 ②Napoleon, 1769-1821, 法国皇帝, 1804-1815在位)

    [ noun ]
    French general who became emperor of the French (1769-1821)

    1. A handwritten letter by Napoleon Bonaparte outlining secret plans to invade England sold at auction Tuesday for $21,186 to a French collector.
    2. In 1965, Bonaparte co-founded Schramsberg Vineyards in California's Napa Valley.
    3. Napoleon Bonaparte commissioned Chaumet to design his "Crown of Charlemagne," now in the Louvre.
    4. 'Surely none of us wish to see Bonaparte conquer Russia, and lay thus at his feet the whole continent of Europe.
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