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 Birkenhead   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Brian Birkenhead, group finance director of National Power, and Brandon Gough, soon-to-retire chairman of Coopers & Lybrand, at DE LA RUE.
    2. It is currently being expanded to include a further 120 acres of Birkenhead docks.
    3. Music will be by Simon and lyrics by Susan Birkenhead.
    4. National Power finished the year with gearing of 13 per cent. However, Mr Brian Birkenhead, finance director, said the buy-back was just an option.
    5. Its Birkenhead yard has largely concentrated on building diesel-electric submarines, while its yard at Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, has concentrated on nuclear submarines.
    6. But some, such as Mr Frank Field, the maverick Birkenhead MP, feel the pace of change is still far too slow.
    7. He declines to give his name ('I'm anonymous; that's the way I am') but admits to being a bookkeeper for a tank storage depot in Birkenhead. 'I have never lost the ability to stand at the end of a platform for six or seven hours at a time,' he says.
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