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 Bianchis nodules 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. It's up to the banks themselves to decide on how to implement that advice.' Mr Bianchi is now two-thirds the way through his second year at ABI.
    2. Jose Dante Caridi, who resigned Tuesday along with the next two ranking army generals, Miguel Abbate and Enrique Bianchi.
    3. "It's a better way than for the Fed to go in and buy dollars itself," Mr. Bianchi said.
    4. Dennis Farina plays Angelo Buono, one of two men convicted of the killings, and Billy Zale plays Kenneth Bianchi, the other.
    5. Bianchi and her colleagues, who sampled the blood of four pregnant women, said looking for the fetal cells was far worse than looking for a needle in a haystack.
    6. CNN's Evans, who writes the syndicated "Evans and Novak" column with Robert Novak, is being sent to Baghdad instead of a regular CNN correspondent because of his long expertise in Middle East affairs, said Bianchi.
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