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 Bertrand   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    1. The Pugwash conferences grew out of a 1955 statement by Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein urging scientists of all political persuasions to devise ways to avoid nuclear war.
    2. Hours after the Mass, about 100 young people held a sit-in in front of the Port-au-Prince Cathedral to protest a church order telling a popular priest, Rev. Jean Bertrand Aristide, to leave the country.
    3. As chief executive, Mr. Murdoch succeeds Bertrand Collomb, who will become chairman and assume additional responsibilities at Lafarge Coppee, the Paris-based company that owns 58% of Lafarge Corp.
    4. Principia Mathematica by Bertrand Russell and Alfred Whitehead is another possibility.
    5. The board of Epeda Bertrand Faure S.A., retreating from earlier statements, said it won't approve a proposed takeover bid by Valeo and Chargeurs S.A.
    6. Blier made more than 150 movies including Yves Allegret's "Maneges" (1949) and "Buffet Froid" (1979), directed by his son Bertrand and starring Gerard Depardieu.
    7. "It is generally charged that national education is lagging behind in comparison with the needs of companies," Bertrand said.
    8. The pastor of the St. Jean Bosco church, which was burned after the slaughter, is Rev. Jean Bertrand Aristide, a critic of Namphy's military government and a popular figure among Haiti's povertry-stricken masses.
    9. One such heavy business eater is Bertrand Schneiderman, the president of Bon Bon Enterprises, an entertainment services company with offices in New York and Los Angeles.
    10. Greyhound declined to disclose the reasons for Mr. Bertrand's resignation and didn't say when a permanent successor would be named.
    11. Or the rhinoceros under Bertrand Russell's table?
    12. The Marketing Consultant Sitting on Carol Bowen's desk in the basement office of her home in Concord, Mass., is a small enameled cube with a quotation from philosopher Bertrand Russell: "Success is getting what you want.
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