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 Bergmanns incision 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Mr. Bergmann argues that it's easier for buyers in sweeps to purchase from large-block shareholders, and that most smaller holders don't even hear about the sweeps until a change of control of a company has been completed.
    2. Mr. Bergmann said the SEC was clarifying its position in light of widespread rumors on Wall Street and inaccurate or incomplete coverage of the issue in the press.
    3. I am accustomed to an exchange and none of my questions were picked up." Psychiatry is his profession, but Bergmann really has read enough to qualify as a doctor of love as well.
    4. "This one always followed," Clinton said. "It never led." Louie is recovering at Popcorn Park Zoo, home to about 300 injured or abandoned animals ranging from chickens to deer, said zoo director John Bergmann.
    5. Bergmann is checking on how Louie is faring with eyesight for the first time. "Last night, it moved away from us for the first time when we brought it food," Bergmann said Friday.
    6. Bergmann is checking on how Louie is faring with eyesight for the first time. "Last night, it moved away from us for the first time when we brought it food," Bergmann said Friday.
    7. Bergmann said beaches in many places are too rough for rescuers to land a boat, let alone chase down and capture oil-coated birds. The oil is spreading southwestward away from Valdez, where cleanup crews are based.
    8. "It was a rolling, strong jolt and lasted about 25 seconds," said Robin Bergmann, a resident of Manteca, about 120 miles from Lee Vining.
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