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 Beijing [bei'dʒi:n]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[经] 北京

  1. Radio Beijing sends the news all over the world.
  2. He is a Beijing native.
  3. From Nov.21 to Nov.30, University Student Original Drama Competition, a new cultural festival, was held in some universities and colleges in Beijing.

[ noun ]
capital of the People's Republic of China in the Hebei province in northeastern China; 2nd largest Chinese city

  1. Hau is among the Nationalist conservatives who still dream of returning to China to overthrow the Communists, and he may be expected to take a fairly hard-line stance on relations with Beijing.
  2. During her monthly, 20-minute visit with Xu in October at Beijing's No. 1 Prison, a guard asked Xu if he acknowledged his crime.
  3. Song Ping, 72. Having studied agriculture at Beijing and Qinghua Universities, Song was among the better educated of the early revolutionaries.
  4. With martial law declared in some parts of the capital, Beijing Mayor Chen Xitong said foreign reporters were forbidden to conduct interviews or make tapes or videos on the streets or at government offices, schools, factories and mines.
  5. Although the Nationalist Chinese government of Taiwan is the sworn enemy of the Communists in Beijing, relations have warmed in recent months with increased business and civilian ties.
  6. For the many Beijing residents who scorn the government but are uneasy about social unrest, it's a matter of enduring the propaganda and the police.
  7. The expected decision to renew Beijing's most-favored-nation status drew advance criticism from Democrats.
  8. The new rates still fail to cover the city's costs to run the public transit and parks systems, the Beijing Evening News said. But it did not indicate whether further increases were likely soon.
  9. Mr. Stepanek was until recently resident director of an American multinational in Beijing.
  10. It doesn't take much to create a crowd in Beijing, they said.
  11. Witnesses also reported at least 30 people were beaten by police outside the Beijing Hotel.
  12. "The population increase will gobble up all the economic gains each year unless it is put under strict control," the Xinhua news agency quoted Beijing Mayor Chen Xitong as saying.
  13. A whole city block, including a large department store, was engulfed in flames in the most serious outbreak of violence in any city outside Beijing.
  14. After the launch, an official from Asia Satellite announced that the company would donate the use of six of the satellite's 24 transponders to Asian broadcasters covering the Asian Games in Beijing this September.
  15. Beijing officials informed some foreign journalists Tuesday of the Daxing march and two others in suburban Beijing.
  16. Beijing officials informed some foreign journalists Tuesday of the Daxing march and two others in suburban Beijing.
  17. Fang and Li have taken refuge in the U.S. Embassy in Beijing since the Chinese government's bloody crackdown in June on the democracy movement.
  18. A defector says China's Communist Party planned to browbeat about 100 exchange students in the United States considered "ringleaders" in criticizing the Beijing government, The Washington Post reported in today's editions.
  19. Before renewing most-favored-nation status next year, the bill would require the president to consider whether the Beijing government has made significant progress in several areas.
  20. One is a military officer who telephoned Hong Kong Thursday morning from Beijing, and the other is a businessman, based in Hong Kong, who says he has extensive contacts within the Chinese military.
  21. Students at the Normal University and other schools in northwest Beijing's university district said the campuses had little of the holiday atmosphere of past National Days.
  22. I wanted to help China but I see now that there is no hope." Chinese media criticized the Voice of America and U.S. television networks for their coverage of the violence in Beijing.
  23. Lesser confrontations involving alleged racism against African students occurred in Beijing and two other cities.
  24. He did repeat at close range the message that Americans like the Chinese people but take a dark view of the Beijing government.
  25. Beijing later threatened economic sanctions against Norway if the Dalai Lama was received officially, Norwegian reports said.
  26. Six months after the Beijing massacre, she spoke again with some of them, now in exile and trying to keep the reform movement in their Communist homeland alive from half a world away.
  27. Chinese Premier Li Peng indicated Friday that Beijing expects Mongolia to do what it can to keep that from happening.
  28. According to two sources familiar with Guangdong affairs, Beijing leaders last month offered Ye Xuanping, Guangdong's governor, a more-senior post in the capital.
  29. Sanctions against Beijing were solidified at last year's economic summit in France.
  30. One student leader, Wang Dan of Beijing University, said the students would hold actions every day through Saturday, when the government will hold Hu's funeral in the Great Hall of the People.
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