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 Baskerville   添加此单词到默认生词本
巴斯克维尔体(John Baskerville 所设计的古式艺术字体)

    1. But Baskerville was removed from the Public Works and Transportation Committee job after it was learned she was not showing up for work, committee officials said.
    2. A Justice Department official who spoke on condition of anonymity said the FBI also is looking into any connection between Fauntroy's employment of the younger Savage and Rep. Savage's employment of Lezli Baskerville, a former Fauntroy aide.
    3. Savage was hired by Fauntroy just a month after his father hired Lezli Baskerville, a Fauntroy aide.
    4. The explosion occurred Wednesday as Margaret Baskerville, who works for the Chemical Defense Establishment, was backing her car away from her home at Winterslow, a suburb of Salisbury.
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