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 Bahram 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Bahram)人名;(伊朗)巴赫拉姆

  1. "Some say it's swine flu and some other people say it's political flu, " said Bahram Sarwary, a trader at the capital's crowded money market.
    首都喀布尔拥挤的金融市场的一名商人巴赫拉姆(Bahram Sarwary)说:“有人说这是猪流感,也有人说这是政治流感。”
  2. Bahram Bekhradnia, the director of the Higher Education Policy Institute, a thinktank, says the government hasn't a hope of getting 50% of young Britons into higher education by 2010.
    高等教育政策学会(一个智囊机构)主任Bahram Bekhradnia说,政府在2010年达成让50%的英国年轻人读大学的目标渺茫。
  3. The women who ate prunes saw also slight reductions in these risk factors, but not to the same extent as those who ate apples, said study author and professor of nutrition Bahram H. Arjmandi.
    营养学教授Bahram H. Arjmandi表示,食用杏仁干的女性在心脏病的诱因方面的水平也有所降低,但却不及吃苹果这组效果显著。

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