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 Atlantis [ət'læntɪs]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 亚特兰蒂斯(传说沉没于大西洋中的岛)

  1. What led to the fall of Atlantis?
  2. Does anybody know the way to Atlantis?
  3. Atlantis is set to depart Sunday morning.

[ noun ]
according to legend, an island in the Atlantic Ocean that Plato said was swallowed by an earthquake

  1. Atlantis is scheduled to be launched about Nov. 28 with another crew of five.
  2. The information gathered by the Atlantis crew will be compared with data being collected at the same time and over the same areas by nearly identical sensors aboard three older U.S. satellites.
  3. The blackout will be lifted just an hour before Atlantis returns to Earth for a landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California.
  4. Two sonic booms crackled over the desert as Atlantis swooped powerless through the clear sky, making wide circles as it descended.
  5. Atlantis has been crippled by leaking hydrogen since June.
  6. During the four-day flight, the crew of the Atlantis deployed a spy satellite, according to sources close to the mission.
  7. The shuttle Atlantis also was found to be free of dangerous hydrogen leaks during a tanking test last month.
  8. Miami-based Atlantis Group Inc. and Alizac Partners of Suffern, N.Y., notified the Securities and Exchange Commission that they have formed a committee to solicit proxies from other Rospatch shareholders.
  9. The cracks on Atlantis were too small to cause trouble, but if such cracks widened and split the bearing assembly, it could be dangerous, National Aeronautics and Space Administration officials said.
  10. NASA suffered another setback Thursday when a toppled beam was found inside the space shuttle Atlantis, but the countdown continued for the scheduled weekend launch of Discovery.
  11. Space shuttle Atlantis was moved out to the launch pad today in preparation for a secret military flight next month.
  12. Space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to make the next shuttle flight, with launch set for April 28. Its crew will dispatch the Magellan payload to orbit the planet Venus.
  13. Officials had been anxious to launch Atlantis on Thursday because long-range forecasts call for even worse conditions Friday and Saturday.
  14. Atlantis lit up the sky in a rare launch in darkness Thursday as it streaked into orbit on a secret military mission that reportedly will send a satellite to spy on Iraq.
  15. Sklar said Trump believes he is paying too much for the Atlantis and may ask Ms. Gambardella to reduce his purchase price.
  16. Atlantis Group, which holds a 19.7% stake in Rospatch, said it's willing to pay at least $7.50 a share for the Grand Rapids, Mich., company if Rospatch rescinds its "poison pill" and agrees to a merger.
  17. Atlantis had been scheduled to blast off Friday on the secret military mission.
  18. "There's been indiscriminate buying" and investors should be wary even though biotech stocks aren't bracing for a wholesale fall, says Anne K. Anderson, president of Atlantis Investment Co., a growth-stock research concern.
  19. Atlantis is scheduled to carry a secret military payload into orbit next month.
  20. NASA had rescheduled the launch for Friday after a fueling test last month found Atlantis to be free of dangerous leaks.
  21. Atlantis' crew, commanded by Air Force Col. Richard Covey, had been expected to release the spy satellite from the shuttle's cargo bay within 24 hours of liftoff.
  22. They included two busloads of launch control center workers who had counted down to Atlantis' fiery liftoff in an unusual nighttime launch five days earlier.
  23. Atlantis, still on the launch pad at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida, will be rolled back to the hangar for repairs late this week.
  24. "Atlantis, congratulations on an outstanding mission," said capsule communicator Ken Cameron in Houston. "You've extended the shuttle's reach to the outer planets." "It's nice to be home," shuttle commander Donald E. Williams replied.
  25. Atlantis' mission ended Monday when the 97-ton shuttle landed at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. after deploying Magellan, the nation's first planetary probe in 11 years and the first ever to ride a shuttle into space.
  26. During their four-day flight, Atlantis' five astronauts are to release the $378 million Magellan spacecraft from the cargo bay, starting it on a 468-day outward journey to Venus.
  27. Winds, clouds or storms have forced changes in liftoff plans for the space shuttle eight times, including Thursday's postponement of the Atlantis launch.
  28. An immediate key to meeting next year's schedule, McCartney said, is the resolution of the two unexpected problems that developed during the Atlantis mission.
  29. Shuttle Atlantis also was found to have hydrogen leaks.
  30. Earlier, Walker had reported Atlantis was performing flawlessly and that the Magellan spacecraft, a robot probe the crew launched on a flight to Venus, was operating without a hitch.
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