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 Amritsar   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Police said one other Hindu was reported killed by Sikh militants overnight in Amritsar District.
    2. The news agency said Jalota's car was attacked as he was en route to Jalandhar, which is a district capital 50 miles southeast of Amritsar.
    3. The train departed Amritsar at 6:15 p.m. for Khemkaren, a town on the India-Pakistan border, 45 miles south of Amritsar, Gupta said.
    4. The train departed Amritsar at 6:15 p.m. for Khemkaren, a town on the India-Pakistan border, 45 miles south of Amritsar, Gupta said.
    5. Singh was contacted by telephone from Amritsar, a town about 100 miles to the north of Abohar.
    6. Mrs. Gandhi's assassination apparently was in revenge for an army attack she ordered on Sikhism's holiest shrine, the Golden Temple in Amritsar, which was used as a base by Sikh militants fighting for a homeland in the northern state of Punjab.
    7. Late Thursday, Sikh attackers fired on a bus after the driver ignored their warnings to stop near Gujarpura, 30 miles northeast of Amritsar, police said.
    8. The bomb attacks were in the cities of Amritsar, Patiala, Gurdaspur and Hoshiarpur.
    9. CHANDIGARH, India (AP) _ Sikh extremists today shot and killed the head priest of the Golden Temple, Sikhism's holiest shrine in the city of Amritsar, police said.
    10. Press Trust of India said the gunmen shot three neighbors while fleeing after the attack in Ludhiana, 96 miles south of Amritsar, the center of a Sikh secessionist movement.
    11. The Saturday night attack in the village of Ahema Khalan, 21 miles south of Amritsar, was the second such incident reported since Satwant Singh and Kehar Singh were hanged in New Delhi on Jan. 6 for Mrs. Gandhi's assassination.
    12. The attack occurred in the village of Jastarwal, 25 miles south of Amritsar.
    13. Home Minister Buta Singh, whose ministry is responsible for internal security, said today the government would clear houses and shops from around the Golden Temple complex in Amritsar.
    14. She governed another four years until she was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards in revenge for the army raid she had ordered to flush out gunmen holed up the Sikh faith's holiest shrine, the Golden Temple in Amritsar.
    15. Most of the deaths have occurred in the district of Amritsar, the center of the insurgency.
    16. Security forces fired back with light machine guns, said Baldev Singh, superintendent of police in Amritsar.
    17. The victims, identified as Bakhish Singh, his wife Kulwant Kaur and their two sons and two daughters-in-law were converts to the Sikh faith, Gupta said in Amritsar, about 250 miles north of New Delhi.
    18. Indian troops bombarded lookout towers at the Golden Temple in Amritsar in an attempt to force the surrender of about 50 Sikh separatists.
    19. Also Friday, the United News of India reported that six people, at least four of them Hindus, were shot to death in an ambush by Sikh militants in Jalandhar, 50 miles southeast of Amritsar.
    20. It says Amnesty was told by a Punjab civil rights group, which it did not identify, that security forces killed more than 70 Sikhs in fake or staged encounters between May 12 and Aug. 22 last year in the northern state's Amritsar district.
    21. Singh was gunned down by Sikh militants Saturday in the village of Kalake near Amritsar, PTI said.
    22. In Amritsar, assailants lobbed a bomb over a wall into a crowd outside the court.
    23. The old walled city of Amritsar and several other neighborhoods have been under an indefinite curfew since the bombing.
    24. Witnesses said those released from more than four years' jail without trial arrived under heavy guard Monday at the scene of their arrests _ northern Amritsar city and its Golden Temple.
    25. President Ramaswami Venkataraman issued the ordinance on Thursday, aimed at ending Sikh extremists' use of the Golden Temple in Amritsar as a base for their separatist activities.
    26. The Council of Khalistan issued the statement from Amritsar's Golden Temple, the holiest Sikh shrine and the center of militant activity.
    27. B.S. Bhatia, a doctor at the hospital in Amritsar, said eight of the 15 injured were critically wounded. "Most of them have been shot in the face or chest," he said.
    28. Amritsar is the state capital, 260 miles north of New Delhi.
    29. In Amritsar, protesters pelted police vehicles with stones and blocked them from going to the explosion site, witnesses said.
    30. Police and paramilitary unit commanders are scheduled to meet Monday in the Sikh holy city of Amritsar to discuss increased security in Punjab.
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