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    Allege \Al*lege"\ ([a^]l*l[e^]j"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Alleged}
    (-l[e^]jd"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Alleging}.] [OE. aleggen to
    bring forward as evidence, OF. esligier to buy, prop. to free
    from legal difficulties, fr. an assumed LL. exlitigare; L. ex
    + litigare to quarrel, sue (see {Litigate}). The word was
    confused with L. allegare (see {Allegation}), and lex law.
    Cf. {Allay}.]
    1. To bring forward with positiveness; to declare; to affirm;
    to assert; as, to allege a fact.

    2. To cite or quote; as, to allege the authority of a judge.

    3. To produce or urge as a reason, plea, or excuse; as, he
    refused to lend, alleging a resolution against lending.

    Syn: To bring forward; adduce; advance; assign; produce;
    declare; affirm; assert; aver; predicate.

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