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 Adeline   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. In the painting, Adeline, dressed in blue, sits in profile on a chair.
    2. "That child is an innocent and we have a right to protect the children," said Sen. Adeline Geo-Karis.
    3. In an essay written when she in her 70s, Adeline Ravoux Carrie described the artist's final hours as he lay in his room at her father's inn, dying of a gunshot wound.
    4. But you get me riled up, I'm riled up," 64-year-old Adeline Roemer said in her announcement Tuesday.
    5. Rep. Jim McCrery defeated Adeline Roemer and another candidate Saturday to win his first full term to represent the 4th District in northwest Louisiana.
    6. "Portrait of Adeline Ravoux" was one of three van Gogh did of his innkeeper's daughter.
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