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 Abscissas 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 横坐标(横线)

    Abscissa \Ab*scis"sa\, n.; E. pl. {Abscissas}, L. pl.
    {Absciss[ae]}. [L., fem. of abscissus, p. p. of absindere to
    cut of. See {Abscind}.] (Geom.)
    One of the elements of reference by which a point, as of a
    curve, is referred to a system of fixed rectilineal
    co["o]rdinate axes.

    Note: When referred to two intersecting axes, one of them
    called the axis of abscissas, or of X, and the other
    the axis of ordinates, or of Y, the abscissa of the
    point is the distance cut off from the axis of X by a
    line drawn through it and parallel to the axis of Y.
    When a point in space is referred to three axes having
    a common intersection, the abscissa may be the distance
    measured parallel to either of them, from the point to
    the plane of the other two axes. Abscissas and
    ordinates taken together are called co["o]rdinates. --
    OX or PY is the abscissa of the point P of the curve,
    OY or PX its ordinate, the intersecting lines OX and OY
    being the axes of abscissas and ordinates respectively,
    and the point O their origin.

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