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 鼓足勇气 [gǔ zú yǒng qì添加此单词到默认生词本
muster (up) one's courage
call up all one's courage
pluck up one's courage

  1. 鼓足勇气打起精神,他开始挑战命运。
    He rose with force and spirit , and he began to challenge his fate .
  2. 他终于鼓足勇气尝试跳水。
    He finally screwed up enough courage to try to dive.
  3. 但是,几门交易同时进行的巧合可以引起其他公司高层鼓足勇气有所作为。
    However, the coincidence of several deals happening at once may make other bosses pluck up the courage to make a move.

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