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 黑钙土 [hēi gài tǔ添加此单词到默认生词本
[土壤] chernozem
black earth

  1. 通过黑钙土的培养试验,研究了不同作物根茬施入土壤后对土壤腐殖质的影响。
    This paper studied the effects of different crop stubbles put in soil on soil humus by cultural experiment of chernozem.
  2. 我们希望通过调查明确黑钙土相关的PTC的异常特征是否与放射暴露或碘缺乏相关。
    We have investigated whether unexpected features of the PTC incidence after Chernobyl were radiation specific or influenced by iodine deficiency.
  3. 通过对黑钙土的培养试验,研究了玉米秸秆及其根茬施入土壤后不同分解时间对土壤有效微量元素的影响。
    Effects of corn stalk and stubble applied into soil in different decomposition stage on available microelements of soil were studied by cultural experiment with chernozem.

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