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 顺带 [shùn dài添加此单词到默认生词本
in passing

  1. 除此以外,如果顺带着赋予1936年退位危机的新视角,这部电影也是很有趣的。
    As well as this, the movie is an intriguing, if slightly loaded new perspective on the abdication crisis of 1936.
  2. 大雪阻碍了工作(顺带一提,那场雪的预报准确无误),我和孩子们出去,被其他父亲嘲笑。
    Cut off from work by the snow (which, incidentally, had been forecast with almost pinpoint accuracy), I was out with the kids and being teased by the other dads.
  3. 顺带地,我问哈里斯他觉得哪部电影会获得今年的奥斯卡最佳影片奖。
    Incidentally, I asked Harris which film he thinks will win the Oscar this year for best picture.

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