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 需肥量 [xū féi liàng添加此单词到默认生词本
[农][植] fertilizer requirement

  1. 需肥量计算公式纯粹是利用率不妥计算的逆运算。
    The old calculation formula for fertilizer requirement did not fit to fertilizer requirement.
  2. 需肥量参数具有较大幅度的变化,应按照土壤肥力以及产量目标来合理调整并确定这个重要参数。
    There was a range for parameters of fertilizer requirement, so it should be adjusted according to soil fertility and yield.
  3. 日光温室栽培作物具有产量高、需肥量大等特点,在实际生产中,过量施肥现象较为严重,导致土壤养分过量累积;
    Compared with the crops cultivated in open land, the crops cultivated in greenhouse have high yield, and excessive application of fertilizers is very common in their production.

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