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 阳极电路 添加此单词到默认生词本
anode circuit
B circuit

  1. 测试结果表明,该电路减小了温度对阳极电流的影响,改善了中子产额的稳定性。
    Test result shows that the circuit decreases the effect of temperature to anode current, improves the stability of neutron yield.
  2. 氢在阴极氧化成水产生电子,电子通过外部电路又回到电池阳极
    The oxidation of hydrogen to water at the cathode yields electrons, which pass through an external circuit and reenter the cell at the anode;
  3. 目的:设计旋转阳极启动电路并制作实验教具,方便直观地对学生示教此项实验内容及测试有关实验数据。
    Objective To design and fabricate realia circuit for rotary anode startup experiment. It is convenient demonstrate the experiment and experimental data.

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